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Es muy difícil para el OEMII (Hombre) tener consciencia exacta de la verdadera naturaleza del Mundo Físico que nos rodea. It is very difficult for OEMII (Man) to have accurate awareness of the true nature of the physical world around us.
Aparentemente las imágenes mentales que nos hemos forjado de este Medio circundante pueden sugerirnos erróneamente que tal Mundo Físico es como lo “vemos” “tocamos” u “olemos”. Apparently the mental images we have made this Medium surrounding may erroneously suggest that this physical world is how we "see" "touch" or "smell".
Pero un cuidadoso análisis reveló tanto a los científicos de UMMO como a los de la TIERRA y demás civilizaciones Galácticas (con cierto grado de cultura), que nuestro WAAM no es como lo presentan ordinariamente nuestros sentidos . But careful analysis revealed both Ummo scientists and those of land and other galactic civilizations (with some degree of culture) that our WAAM is not ordinarily present as our senses. Así: los vivos colores que apreciamos en un parterre de flores no son sino una bella percepción psicológica. Thus: we appreciate the bright colors in a flower bed are just a beautiful psychological perception. No existe (fuera de nosotros mismos) tal riqueza cromática. No (not ourselves) so rich colors. Tan solo una fría gama de frecuencias electromagnéticas resta como último “substratum” de la vivencia. Only a cold electromagnetic frequency range as the last remaining "substratum" of the experience.
El OEMII es el único ser del WAAM que rebasa las limitaciones de su organismo para comprender ese Mundo, y utiliza la mente para llegar a conseguirlo por vía intelectiva ya que los órganos de nuestros sentidos corporales, las vías nerviosas y los mecanismos corticales de síntesis y percepción psicológica falsean totalmente su realidad. The OEMII is the only being of WAAM that transcends the limitations of his body to understand that world, and uses the mind to get to get through intellect and the organs of our senses, neural pathways and cortical mechanisms of synthesis and psychological perception totally distorted reality.
Veamos un ejemplo de cómo nuestros órganos fisiológicos extorsionan la VERDAD enmascarando las cosas con un bello ropaje, sin el cual nuestro WAAM (UNIVERSO) visto o apreciado tal cual es se nos presentaría como una fría sucesión de IBOZOO UU (Después explicaremos este concepto) desfasados entre sí. Here is an example of how our bodies physiological masking TRUTH extort things with a beautiful dress, without which our WAAM (UNIVERSE) seen or appreciated as it is presented to us as a succession of cold IBOZOO UU (After explain this concept) date each other.
Cuando ustedes cogen por ejemplo entre sus dedos un encendedor de bolsillo tienen consciencia (salvo perturbaciones mentales definidas tales como el estado crepuscular de un individuo) de que AQUELLO ESTA AHÍ: brillante, frío, elegante en sus líneas. When you catch such as between your fingers or a pocket lighter with consciousness (unless defined delusions such as the twilight state of an individual) that what is there: bright, cool and elegant in its lines. Si ejercen una débil presión sobre un botón, surge airosa una débil llamita azulada, debida a la combustión del butano al salir por la tobera de pequeño calibre. If you have a weak pressure on a button, graceful stems weak blue flame due to combustion of butane to exit through the nozzle of small caliber.
“Aquello” está pues AHI, presionado por el pulgar y el índice… no es una Ficción “Aquello EXISTE”. "That" is for here, under pressure from the thumb and forefinger is not a fiction ... "That EXIST".
Y sin embargo aquel mechero no es sino la ingenua percepción de una persona sencilla, que puede tener una baja capacidad mental para comprender el WAAM en que está sumergida. Yet that is lighter but the naive perception of a simple person, who may have a low mental capacity to understand the WAAM that is submerged.
El Físico de OYAGAA (Planeta TIERRA) podría ilustrarles mucho más sobre el humilde mechero de bolsillo. The Physical OYAGAA (Planet EARTH) could teach us more about the humble pocket lighter. Les indicaría por ejemplo que ustedes en realidad NO TOCAN su superficie pese a su ilusoria evidencia, puesto que existen grandes distancias relativas entre los átomos del metal y las nubes electrónicas de los átomos de la epidermis que cubre sus dedos. They suggest for example that you really do not touch the surface despite its illusory evidence, since there are large relative distances between metal atoms and the electron clouds of atoms of the skin covering your fingers.
Quizá algún OEMII terrestre poco formado, pretenda objetarle tímidamente que si ese trocito de metal no está en contacto con su propia piel es imposible que se sustente y entonces “caería al suelo”. Maybe a little ground OEMII formed, intended objective timidly that if that piece of metal is not in contact with your own skin is impossible to sustain and then "fall down". Mas el científico terrestre le hablara de Campos de Fuerza, de Tensores, de Repulsiones entre cargas eléctricas negativas. But the scientist told him about Earth Force Fields of tensors, of repulsion between negative electric charges.
También les sugerirá que la Temperatura baja del metal que produce esa sensación de frialdad es consecuencia de la baja amplitud de vibraciones de sus moléculas respecto a la de su epidermis. They also suggest that the low temperature metal produces the feeling of coldness is due to the low amplitude of vibration of their molecules relative to that of their epidermis.
Y les indicara que esa apariencia compacta de la chapa cromada es ilusoria puesto que los núcleos atómicos están separados entre sí en la misma parecida proporción que los astros de una Galaxia. And show them that compact appearance of the chrome plate is illusory since the nuclei are separated in the same proportion like the stars of a galaxy.
Un experto terrestre en Óptica Fisiológica, les advertirá que el brillo real del aparato es unas diez veces mayor que el aparente. An expert in Physiological Optics land, they warn that the actual brightness of the device is about ten times larger than the apparent. Es decir Una verdadera antorcha, pero que al atravesar su luz nuestro ojo, el cristalino y el humor vítreo absorben casi todos los fotones llegando a la retina una energía luminosa muy mermada. That is a real torch, but its light passing through your eye, lens and vitreous humor absorb almost all the photons reaching the retina light energy considerably weakened.
El fisiólogo terrestre se sonreirá si usted le pregunta como llega la luz a la corteza cerebral, y le aclarara que la LUZ no llega jamás al neuroencéfalo. Terrestrial physiologist will smile if you asked as the light reaches the cerebral cortex, and to clarify that the light never comes to neuroencéfalo. Que los fotones, al incidir sobre la retina provocan impulsos codificados que se transmiten por las neuronas del Nervio óptico en forma de mensaje eléctrico, en clave, de modo que el parecido de la llama real de Butano al mensaje real que nuestro cerebro recibe desde la retina, es tan semejante como una VACA real que pasta en un prado A LAS LETRAS QUE COMPONEN SU DENOMINACIÓN. That the photons impinging on the retina to cause pulse code transmitted by neurons in the optic nerve as electrical message in code so that the resemblance of the real flame butane to the real message that our brain receives from the retina, is so similar as a real cow grazing in a meadow to the letters that make their names.
Y por último un neuropsiquiatra les indicará de forma muy vaga, puesto que él mismo ignora muchas características de tal proceso, cómo el encéfalo integra los millones de impulsos en clave hasta conseguir fundirlos y sintetizarlos en una sola percepción. And finally a neuropsychiatrist will indicate very vague, since he ignores many features of this process, how the brain integrates the key impulses million to get fuse and synthesize them into a single perception. Percepción ilusoria que es la única imagen que logramos obtener del MISTERIOSO MECHERO QUE EXISTE FUERA DE NOSOTROS . Illusory perception is the only image that we get the LIGHTER MYSTERY OUT OF U.S. THERE.
En efecto: Tal IMAGEN DEL MECHERO QUE NOS RESULTA TAN FAMILIAR se parece “tanto” al MECHERO REAL como las letras de NENUFAR a la flor que trata de denominar . In fact: Such IMAGE BURNER THAT looks so familiar "both" to the letters REAL LIGHTER water lily to flower is called.
El OEMII pues; necesita desembarazarse de los ingenuos esquemas mentales que sobre las cosas, los colores, los sonidos, etc. The OEMII because he needs to get rid of the mental framework that naive about things, colors, sounds, etc.. ha ido fijando en su cerebro desde su infancia. has been fixed on his brain since childhood. El hombre de cada uno de los grupos sociales que conocemos, ligados a los distintos OYAA (PLANETAS) con quienes hemos tenido contacto hasta ahora, incluyéndonos los OEMII de la TIERRA y de UMMO se han percatado de esa necesidad, y los científicos de las distintas civilizaciones van desentrañando paso a paso las bases reales de nuestro WAAM ¿Hasta qué punto lo han conseguido ustedes? The man from each of the social groups that know, tied to different OYAA (PLANETS) with whom we had contact so far, including the EARTH OEMII Ummo and have realized this need, and scientists of different civilizations will step unraveling the real basis of our WAAM To what extent have you achieved? ¿El modelo matemático de Universo presentado por los Físicos de TIERRA con su Teoría Relativista, la Mecánica Cuántica y Mecánica Estadística, es un fiel reflejo de la VERDAD? Does the mathematical model presented by the Physical Universe to Earth with his relativistic theory, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics, is a true reflection of the TRUTH?
Al presentarles a ustedes nuestra TEORÍA del WAAM podrán ustedes juzgar las discrepancias. At present you our theory of WAAM discrepancies may judge you.
Nosotros hemos observado que el Oemii (Hombre) de OYAGAA (TIERRA), que ustedes denominan “Hombre de la calle” u “Hombre masa”, no iniciado en la disciplina científica terrestre de la Física, posee un concepto muy primitivo del Espacio y del UNIVERSO que nosotros llamamos WAAM. We have observed that the Oemii (Male) from OYAGAA (GND), which you call "common man" or "mass man", not a scientific discipline began in the land of physics, has a very primitive concept of Space and universe that we call WAAM.
Desde UUGEEYIE (NIÑO) él ha sido educado en el sentido de aceptar como válida esa imagen deformada del Mundo exterior que nos brindan nuestros sentidos. From UUGEEYIE (CHILD) he has been educated in the sense of accepting as valid the distorted image of the outside world that our senses give us. Si; Se comporta como un UUGEE (NIÑO) al que sus padres encerrasen en una habitación de paredes esféricas y desnudas, y al que sus padres (sin permitirle verlos) le enseñasen tan solo las letras y sílabas de una lengua terrestre. Si; UUGEE It behaves like a (CHILD) to his parents locked in a room bare-walled spherical, and their parents (without allowing them) shows just the letters and syllables in a language Earth. El niño podría crearse la ilusión, el contemplar los caracteres tipográficos, que los Muebles, los Animales, los árboles y otros objetos expresados por aquellos grafismos tienen exactamente la forma convencional de las letras que los representan. The child might create the illusion, look at the typefaces, the furniture, animals, trees and other objects expressed by those graphics are exactly the conventional form of letters that represent them.
El OEMII terrestre se imagina pues al ESPACIO como un “ continuo escalar ” en todas direcciones. The land OEMII imagine it to space as a "continuum scale" in all directions. A partir de esta imagen del espacio elaborarán ustedes [iniciada por EUCLIDES] toda una Geometría basada en abstracciones tales como el PUNTO, la RECTA y el PLANO. Han acabado ustedes aceptando que PUNTO PLANO y RECTA representan realmente aunque con una abstracción intelectual los verdaderos componentes del WAAM . From this picture you draw space [initiated by Euclid] whole geometry based on abstractions such as point, line and MAP. Accepting that you have finished POINT LINE PLANE and actually represent an intellectual abstraction but with the real components the WAAM.
Ese vicio original no corregido todavía les está a ustedes costando un retraso considerable en la comprensión del Mundo Físico. The original defect is not corrected you still costing them a considerable delay in understanding the physical world.
En efecto: Cuando ustedes ingenuamente estaban aceptando la existencia de un ESPACIO euclideo de tres dimensiones; Matemáticos terrestres insignes, tales como Gauss, Riemann, Bolyai y Lobatschewsky intuyen genialmente la posibilidad de ampliar los restringidos criterios de Euclides elaborando una nueva Geometría para un n-Espacio y aunque la mente de un hombre no logra percibir mentalmente la imagen de un cuerpo de más de tres dimensiones, el auxilio de las Matemáticas salva ese escollo intelectual muy fácilmente. In fact: When you were naively accepting the existence of a three-dimensional Euclidean space, land distinguished mathematicians such as Gauss, Riemann, Bolyai and brilliantly Lobatschewsky intuit the possibility of extending the restricted criteria of Euclid developed a new geometry for an n - Space and even the mind of a man fails to perceive mentally the image of a body of more than three dimensions, the aid of mathematics saves that intellectual hurdle easily.
Pero esos modelos matemáticos de Geometrías pluridimensionales elíptica e hiperbólica ¿corresponden a la realidad de nuestro WAAM o se trata tan solo de entelequias creadas por los matemáticos? But those mathematical models for multidimensional elliptic and hyperbolic geometries correspond to reality "of our WAAM or is it just pipe dreams created by mathematicians?
La hipótesis relativista del alemán EINSTEIN se adhiere en un principio al criterio del ruso Minkowski que concibe al Tiempo como una dimensión más. The hypothesis German relativistic Einstein initially adheres to the criterion of conceiving the Russian Minkowski Time as a dimension. Intuyendo un espacio-Universo tetradimensional. Sensing a space-dimensional universe. El Oemii terrestre ha dado entonces un gigantesco paso al romper con la mezquina e intuitiva imagen de un Cosmos tridimensional. The land has Oemii then a giant step in breaking with the petty and intuitive three-dimensional image of a Cosmos.
Pero ¿ Es entonces así nuestro ESPACIO-COSMOS ? But then so is our space-COSMOS? (lo de menos es que convengamos en la existencia de dos, tres, cuatro o N dimensiones). (the least is that we agree on the existence of two, three, four or N dimensions).
Nuestra respuesta reviste una especial gravedad para los Físicos de la Tierra que se debaten embarazados a la búsqueda del genuino modelo de ESPACIO. Our response is of particular gravity for the Earth's physical being discussed embarrassed to finding genuine space model.
Nuestra imagen del UAM (COSMOS) es decir del ESPACIO difiere en sus propios cimientos de la que ustedes han elaborado. Our picture of the UAM (COSMOS) ie SPACE differs in its very foundations on which you have developed. Es precisamente en el concepto de dimensión donde la discrepancia empieza a acusarse gravemente . It is in the concept of dimension where the discrepancy begins to accuse seriously.
Es más: Las contradicciones que ustedes observan en la Física relativista y Mecánica cuántica son producto de un vicio de origen . What's more, you watch The contradictions in relativistic physics and quantum mechanics are the result of a defect in origin. Son consecuencia de unos básicos y fundamentales errores de concepto . They result from a basic and fundamental misconceptions.
Al llegar aquí precisamos de un inciso para brindarles algunas observaciones At this point we need a point to offer some observations
En primer lugar hacerles observar que nuestra concepción de Espacio: al diferir esencialmente de la de los terrestres exige unas bases matemáticas distintas de las de ustedes . First, make note that our conception of space: to differ essentially from that of the land requires a mathematical basis other than you. No se trata de que nuestros símbolos matemáticos sean distintos puesto que naturalmente tal escollo superficial es fácilmente salvable mediante una transcripción cuidadosa, (cambio de base 12 a base de numeración decimal, etc.) Pero no es fácil que ustedes comprendan nuestros algoritmos de WUA WAAM (MATEMÁTICAS DEL ESPACIO FÍSICO) sin seguir previamente un complejo curso de iniciación que requeriría muchos meses de estudio a los iniciados en matemáticas terrestres. It is not our mathematical symbols are different because superficial obstacle course that is easily bridged by a transcript carefully, (change of base 12 to decimal number base, etc.). But it is not easy for you to understand our algorithms WAAM WUA (MATH physical space) without following a previous course of initiation complex, requiring many months of study in mathematics started to land. Existe una razón: Cuando se trata de analizar las propiedades del Espacio, los postulados normales de la Lógica matemática familiar tanto a ustedes como a nosotros , NO NOS SIRVEN . There's a reason: When it comes to analyzing the properties of Space, the normal principles of mathematical logic familiar to both you and us, will not do. Cómo ustedes saben la Lógica formal acepta el criterio denominado por los terrestres LEY DE EXCLUSIÓN DEL MEDIO (Según la cual toda proposición es necesariamente How you know formal logic accepts the criterion called by land EXCLUSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (according to which every proposition is necessarily FALSA o FALSE or
VERDADERA ) En nuestra WUUA WAAM este postulado tiene que ser rechazado . TRUE) In our WUUA WAAM this postulate must be rejected. Se recurre entonces a un tipo de Lógica Multivalorada denominada por nuestros especialistas UUWUUA lES (LÓGICA MATEMÁTICA TETRAVALORADA) según la cual toda proposición adoptará indistintamente cuatro valores: It then uses a type-valued logic called by our specialists UUWUUA SLE (TETRAVALORADA Mathematical Logic) that indiscriminately take every proposition four values:
AIOOYAU (Intraducible a Idioma terrestre). AIOOYAU (untranslatable to earth language).
No obstante aprovechando todavía la Lógica Terrestre divalente (También utilizada por nosotros en nuestra vida cotidiana o en el estudio de los fenómenos macrofísicos, podemos ofrecerles a ustedes los conceptos del WAAM. Procuraremos por tanto ceñirnos a un sistema en el que resultarán validos tanto el Cálculo Infinitesimal, como el Calculo Integral, Topología, Cálculo Vectorial y Tensorial, Teoría de Grafos e Investigación operativa, tan familiares a los terrestres. But still taking advantage of divalent Logic Ground (also used by us in our daily lives or the study of phenomena macrophysical we can offer you the concepts of WAAM. Sought therefore stick to a system in which both the calculations are valid infinitesimal, as the Integral Calculus, Topology, Vector and Tensor Calculus, Graph Theory and Operations Research, as familiar to the land.
Por ello en este informe. Therefore in this report. Cuando nos veamos obligados a utilizar algún algoritmo matemático nos esforzaremos en que sea familiar a ustedes, utilizando el instrumental algebraico y demás notaciones familiares a ustedes. When we are forced to use some mathematical algorithm that we will strive to be familiar to you, using instruments and other algebraic notations familiar to you.
Hemos pensado seriamente cuando el Señor español Enrique Villagrasa nos solicitó por canal telefónico, un informe en torno a nuestra concepción del ESPACIO y de nuestras sensaciones psicológicas durante el intervalo de nuestros viajes en los UEWA OEMM (NAVES de VIAJE INTRAGALÁCTICO) la Conveniencia o improcedencia de revelarles estos conceptos. We thought seriously when Lord Henry Villagrasa Spanish telephone channel asked us for a report about our conceptions of space and our psychological feelings during the interval of our travels in UEWA OEMM (INTRAGALÁCTICO TRAVEL CRAFT) Convenience or inappropriateness of reveal these concepts. Hasta ahora a ningún científico Terrestre habíamos enviado esta clase de información puesto que los desarrollos teóricos remitidos a distintos matemáticos y Físicos se orientaban a otros terrenos de la Microfísica y de la Teoría Matemática de redes. Until now no scientist had sent Terrestrial this kind of information since the theoretical developments sent to various mathematicians and physicists were directed to other areas of the microphysics and the Mathematical Theory of networks.
El descubrimiento ACTUAL por parte de los científicos terrestres, de este concepto, provocaría un avance contraproducente (Por desmesurado) de la FISICA que podría traducirse en aplicaciones tecnológicas PELIGROSÍSIMAS en el estadio actual de la desequilibrada RED SOCIAL TERRESTRE. The current discovery by earth scientists, this concept would lead to a counterproductive step (by overreaching) of physics that could lead to dangerous technology applications in the current stage of unbalanced SOCIAL NETWORK TERRESTRIAL.
Hemos optado al fin por descubrirles a ustedes cautelosamente algunos aspectos de nuestra Teoría del UXGIGIIAM WAAM ( ESPACIO FÍSICO REAL ). We have chosen to end by discovering your carefully certain aspects of our theory UXGIGIIAM WAAM (actual physical space).
Estos párrafos no presentarán ningún riesgo para ustedes, si nos reservamos ciertas demostraciones y les ocultamos algunos aspectos del mismo . These paragraphs will not present any risk to you, if we reserve some demos and they hide certain aspects of it. De ese modo cualquier científico terrestre hipotético que puede leernos se resistirá en buena Lógica formal a aceptar un testimonio que por proceder de OEMII extraterrestre le parecerán fruto de una fantasía. No existirá por tanto peligro de que enseñen estos folios mecanografiados a sus hermanos . Thus any hypothetical earth scientist can read us in good will resist formal logic to accept testimony that come from extraterrestrial OEMII fruit will seem a fantasy. There exists therefore a danger that teach these pages typed siblings.
Después de lo que acabamos de decir, podrán ustedes probablemente formularnos una pregunta importante: After what I just said, you probably will ask us one important question:
¿Cómo sabemos los OEMII de UMMO que nuestra concepción de UXGIGIAM WAAM (ESPACIO) es la VERDADERA y no por ejemplo el modelo terrestre de RIEMANN? How do we know the Ummo OEMII of our conception of UXGIGIAM WAAM (SPACE) is TRUE and no such land RIEMANN model?
Naturalmente si nosotros nos inhibimos en formular las demostraciones pertinentes, por razones obvias de carácter ético, ustedes harán perfectamente en seguir siendo fieles a esos modelos de la actual FÍSICA terrestre . Of course if we inhibited in formulating relevant shows for obvious ethical reasons, you will remain perfectly faithful to the models of the current terrestrial physics.
En cuanto a nosotros NOS CONSTA que nuestro MODELO basado en el concepto de IBOZOO UU (Explicaremos después tal concepto) es real, porque los resultados experimentales encajan perfectamente en su urdimbre . As for us we know that our model based on the concept of IBOZOO UU (explain this concept later) is real, because the experimental results fit neatly into its fabric. El hecho de que logremos realizar viajes mediante un cambio del sistema tridimensional de referencia, permitiéndonos desplazarnos dentro de nuestra Galaxia con el recurso de modificar las fases de las llamadas por ustedes partículas subatómicas (Que como verán ustedes no son mas que IBOZOO UUU orientadas de una forma peculiar) avalan una vez mas nuestra Teoría del WAAM. The fact that we do travel by changing three-dimensional reference system, allowing us to move around within our Galaxy with the action of changing the phases of subatomic particles called by you (which, as you will see are but a targeted IBOZOO UUU peculiar form) supports once more our WAAM Theory.
Pero es que ademes nuestra TEORÍA coincide (salvo rasgos secundarios) con las Tesis elaboradas por otras civilizaciones asentadas en otras tantas OYAA (PLANETAS) que han tenido contacto con nosotros y se encuentran en un estadio avanzado de su ciencia. But it is also our theory coincides (except small features) with the thesis developed by other civilizations settled in as many OYAA (PLANETS) who have had contact with us and are at an advanced stage of their science.
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Cuando nuestros hermanos llegaron en el año terrestre 1950 a la OYAGAA When our brothers arrived in the Earth year 1950 to OYAGAA y una vez conocido el idioma francés tuvieron por primera vez acceso a la BIBLIOTHEQUE situada en 58 Rue de Richelieu de París, quedaron sorprendidos al leer los primeros textos bibliados de Matemática terrestre, cómo; conceptos tales como PUNTO , RECTA y PLANO seguían siendo consideradas por ustedes como simples abstracciones de una realidad subyacente en el UNIVERSO. and once known the French language had first access to BIBLIOTHEQUE located at 58 Rue de Richelieu in Paris, were surprised to read the first texts of Mathematics Bibles land, how, concepts such as points, lines and plans were being considered by you as mere abstractions of an underlying reality in the universe.
Así cuando los matemáticos terrestres definen un punto como una familia de curvas o como un conjunto ordenado de n números o (n-tupla) P(a 1 a 2 a 3 ............... , a n ) en un n-espacio, están intuyendo la estructura de un espacio escalar de N dimensiones en el que el punto estará definido dentro de un marco de referencia, por sus coordenadas correspondientes. So when mathematicians define a point land as a family of curves or as an ordered set of numbers or n (n-tuple) P (a 1 to 2 to 3 ............... , a n) in n-space, are sensing the structure of a scale of N-dimensional space in which the point will be defined within a frame of reference, its corresponding coordinates.
Según este concepto: una recta será un conjunto de puntos en correspondencia biunívoca con el conjunto de números reales, de modo que la distancia entre dos puntos de un espacio R n aceptados tales fundamentos, puede quedar definida. According to this concept: a line is a set of points in correspondence with the set of real numbers, so that the distance between two points of a space R n accepted these fundamentals can be defined. Así entre dos puntos A, B, de un n-espacio: So between two points A, B of an n-space:
siendo las coordenadas de ambos puntos A (x 1 x 2 x 3 ......... x n ) ; B (y 1 y 2 y 3 ….... y n ) being the coordinates of two points A (x 1 x 2 x 3 ......... x n) B (y 1, 2 and 3 ... .... and n)
De modo que la urdimbre de un Espacio escalar pluridimensional queda así definida So the warp of a multidimensional scaling space is well definedEste modelo rígido matemático de ESPACIO no satisface del todo a muchos FÍSICOS actuales: es cierto, aunque muchos otros también siguen aceptando la existencia de ese ESPACIO con independencia de la materia y energía contenida en él. This rigid mathematical model space does not fully satisfy many physicists today: it's true, but many others continue to accept the existence of that space independent of matter and energy contained in it.
Elaboran entonces ustedes los terrestres otra ficción: El “espacio FÁSICO”. They make you the land then another fiction: the "phase space". Para ustedes, el ESPACIO real contiene PARTÍCULAS SUBATÓMICAS (Otra falacia como veremos mas adelante). For you, the real space contains subatomic particles (Another fallacy as we shall see below).
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Ustedes postulan que cada PARTÍCULA (NEUTRÓN, MESÓN etc.) ha de ocupar en un instante dado una posición (PUNTO) pero ustedes necesitan definir a la partícula no solo en su posición sino en su CANTIDAD DE MOVIMIENTO . You postulate that each particle (neutrons, mesons and so on.) Must occupy at a given position (DOT) but you need to define the particle not only his position but in its momentum.
Entonces CONVIENEN ustedes en imaginar un N-ESPACIO de seis dimensiones en el que cada partícula quede definida por seis magnitudes: Then you AGREE N-envisioning a six-dimensional space where each particle is defined by six quantities:
Tal entelequia es denominada por ustedes ESPACIO FÁSICO. Such entelechy is called phase space for you.
Podrán ustedes ahora imaginar un volumen elemental integrado por celdas limitantes. You can now imagine a cell composed of elemental volume constraints. El límite de The limit of sería un PUNTO. would provide. El volumen elemental sería: The elementary volume is:
= dx · dy · dz · dp x · dp y · dp z tal que según el principio de indeterminación Dy = dx · · dz · x · dp dp dp and · z such that under the principle of indeterminacy
dx · dp x ≥ h dx · dp x ≥ h
dy · dp y ≥ h · dy dp y ≥ h
dz · dp z ≥ h dp z dz · ≥ h
de modo que el volumen elemental será so the elemental volume is ≥ h 3 ≥ h 3
A este volumen elemental de orden h 3 le llaman ustedes PUNTO DEL ESPACIO FÁSICO, puesto que el punto infinitesimal lo reconocen carente de sentido o significación física al violar el principio de indeterminación ya que una PARTÍCULA ELEMENTAL (Electrón, hiperón, neutrino o positrón, etc.) estarán localizadas en algún LADO de ese VOLUMEN elemental (punto FÁSICO) pero jamás en el punto centrado. In this elementary volume of order h 3 POINT you call it phase space, since they recognize the infinitesimal point meaningless or physical significance to violate the uncertainty principle as an elementary particle (electron, hyperon, neutrino or positron, etc. .) will be located somewhere in the elemental volume (point FASIC) but never in the focus point.
Nuestra concepción del UXGIGIAM (ESPACIO ) es distinta, radicalmente . Our understanding of UXGIGIAM (SPACE) is different, radically. Empezando por el mismo concepto de DIMENSIÓN que difiere de la idea que ustedes se han forjado mentalmente. Starting with the very concept of dimension that differs from the idea that mentally you have wrought.
Trataremos (En concesión a los hermanos de ustedes poco familiarizados con las WUUA (MATEMÁTICAS) de utilizar conceptos simbólicos y didácticos: Try (In granting the brothers of you unfamiliar with WUUA (MATH) to use symbolic and didactic concepts:
Ustedes conciben un UNIVERSO formado por un ESPACIO ESCALAR (imagen 1). You envision a universe made by a SPACE SCALAR (image 1).
Es decir: un espacio tal como se presenta a nuestros sentidos, en el que la imagen de DIMENSIÓN entraña la IMAGEN de una RECTA o ESCALAR That is, a space as presented to our senses, which carries the image of DIMENSION IMAGE of a line or SCALAR
El Espacio se nos presentaría por tanto como “un VOLUMEN INMENSO ” y el COSMOS será para ustedes algo así como una ESFERA de curvatura positiva Space is therefore presented us as "an immense volume and the Cosmos will be for you something like a sphere of positive curvature (imagen 2) o negativa (imagen 3). (picture 2) or negative (picture 3). Los mas inteligentes entre los terrestres, suponen una curvatura por lo menos dentro de una cuarta dimensión e identifican el WAAM con el espacio pluridimensional de RIEMANN. The most intelligent of the land, involving a curvature at least in a fourth dimension and identify the WAAM multidimensional space of Riemann.
Nuestro Universo sería entonces como una HIPERESFERA positiva o negativa pero SIEMPRE IDENTIFICANDO USTEDES DIMENSIÓN con una RECTA o ESCALAR. Our universe as a hypersphere would then be positive or negative but always identify with a DIMENSION YOU STRAIGHT or scale.
Dentro de ese Modelo de COSMOS ustedes sitúan las partículas, los átomos; formando Galaxias, los CAMPOS gravitatorios, Magnéticos y Electrostáticos, la Energía en suma. Within this model COSMOS you put the particles, atoms, forming galaxies, gravitational fields, magnetic and electrostatic, Energy in short. (Imagen 4). (Picture 4).
Nosotros por el contrario sabemos que el WAAM (COSMOS) está integrado por una red de IBOZOO UU. We on the other hand we know that WAAM (COSMOS) is composed of a network of IBOZOO States. Nosotros concebimos el ESPACIO como un conjunto asociado de factores angulares (imagen 5). We conceive of space as a factor associated set angle (image 5).
No existe para nosotros la RECTA en el ESPACIO como luego explicaremos de ese modo el CONCEPTO de OAWOO (DIMENSIÓN) adopta para nosotros un sentido distinto. There is for us the line in space as we explain in this way the CONCEPT of OAWOO (Dimension) takes a different meaning for us. Tales dimensiones están asociadas no a MAGNITUDES ESCALARES sino a MAGNITUDES ANGULARES (Es curioso por ejemplo constatar que los Físicos de la Tierra en su ceguera no atribuyen al ángulo, carácter dimensional ). Such dimensions are associated not scalars but angular magnitudes (It is curious to note that such physicists of the Earth in his blindness not attributable to the angle, dimensional character).
si fuesen ustedes UUGEEYIE (NIÑOS) en una Escuela, utilizaríamos quizá un símil grosero. if you were UUGEEYIE (children) in a school would use maybe a rude simile. El Universo “es como un enjambre de libélulas” cuyas alas forman ángulos distintos (imagen 6). The universe is like a swarm of dragonflies ", whose wings form different angles (image 6).
Todas esas libélulas revolotean de tal modo que NI UNA SOLA presenta una orientación de sus alas semejante a otra hermana suya. All these dragonflies flit so that not one has a similar orientation of its wings to another sister of hers. Expresado de otro modo. Put another way. No existirá una sola pareja de libélulas que en un instante dado puedan superponerse de modo que sus alas y abdomen coincidan. There will be one pair of dragonflies that at a given time can overlap so that its wings and abdomen match.
Pero esta imagen es como decimos excesivamente grosera y lejana en su analogía. But this picture is how we excessively rude and distant in his analogy. En primer lugar cada libélula ocupa un lugar en el espacio en cada instante t. First every dragonfly occupies a space at each instant t. Es decir: sus centros de gravedad y de Inercia ocupan puntos definidos (según nuestra concepción ilusoria) Un IBOZOO UU NO OCUPA NINGUNA POSICIÓN DEFINIDA , NO PODEMOS DECIR DE ÉL que exista una probabilidad de encontrarse localizado en un punto. El IBOZOO UU IEN AIOOYAA (1) (EXISTE). That is, their centers of gravity and inertia occupy defined points (according to our conception illusory) A IBOZOO States does not occupy any definite position, we can not say where there is a probability of being located at a point. AIOOYAA The IEN IBOZOO UU ( 1) (EXIST).
(1) IEN (Pareja-dos). (1) IEN (couple-two).
Por otra parte este insecto volador tiene MASA y VOLUMEN. In addition, this flying insect has mass and volume. (Al menos para nuestra mente) El IBOZOO UU no es una Partícula provista de MASA o corpórea. (At least in our minds) The UU IBOZOO provided is not a particle of mass or corporeal. En una primera aproximación conceptual podríamos decir de él que se trata de un HAZ de EJES ORIENTADOS. In a first conceptual approach might say that he is a bundle of axes making. Lo que menos importa de tal HAZ (imagen 7) es precisamente sus ejes (Ficción matemática) sino los ángulos que forman esos ejes. The least important of such HAZ (Picture 7) is precisely their axes (Fiction mathematics) but the angles formed by these axes.
Las libélulas de nuestro enjambre infinito, vivían en el TIEMPO, se mueven en cortos intervalos de tiempo, distancias infinitesimales. El IBOZOO UU no existe en el TIEMPO . EL MISMO ; ES EL TIEMPO (precisamente uno de sus ángulos es la magnitud TIEMPO como explicaremos en otro informe con más aclaraciones) Para ser más exactos: Lo que llamaríamos Dragonflies swarm our infinite, lived at the time, move in short intervals of time, infinitesimal distances. The UU IBOZOO there on TIME. THE SAME; is the time (just one corner is the magnitude as explained TIME in another report with more clarifications) To be precise: What I call
INTERVALO INFINITESIMAL DE TIEMPO Infinitesimal interval of time
no es sino (imagen 8) una diferencia de orientación angular entre dos IBOZOO LIGADOS. is nothing but (image 8) a difference in angular orientation between two IBOZOO LINKED.
Si después de esta somera explicación ustedes han concebido nuestra Teoría de Espacio, imaginando por ejemplo que el Espacio es una “densa masa de partículas parecidas a los átomos” están en un error . If this brief explanation after you have developed our theory of space, imagine for example that the area is a "dense mass of particles like atoms" are in error. puesto que las partículas de un gas tal como lo conciben ustedes ocupan posiciones probabilísticas en un recinto, mientras que los IBOZOO UU no . because the particles of a gas as you conceive probabilistic positions in a compound, while not IBOZOO States.
Tampoco deben ustedes identificar tal espacio, con el antiguo concepto terrestre del ETER desterrado por la Teoría de la relatividad, puesto que la RED de IBOZOO UU no es ningún medio elástico en el que se encuentren inmersos los átomos de los cuerpos . Nor should you identify such an area, the old idea ETER Ground banished by the theory of relativity, because the network of UU IBOZOO is no elastic medium in which the atoms are immersed bodies.
También pueden ustedes preguntarnos: ¿ Con respecto a qué EJE de referencia universal están orientados los ángulos de IBOZOO UU ? You can also ask: On which axis universal reference angles are oriented IBOZOO UU?
Por supuesto CON NINGUNO . Of course none. NO EXISTE ningún eje de referencia en el WAAM pues ello supondría imaginar una recta real en el Cosmos , Tal recta como hemos indicado es una ficción . THERE is no reference axis in the WAAM since this would also imagine a real line in the Cosmos, That flies as we have indicated is a fiction. Cuando de ahora en adelante nos refiramos al ángulo que adopta uno de los ejes imaginarios de un IBOZOO UU When hereafter we refer to the angle that takes one of the imaginary axis of a UU IBOZOO
lo referiremos a cualquier otro IBOZOO UU adoptado convencionalmente como patrón o referencia ESTO ES MUY IMPORTANTE . we will refer to any UU IBOZOO conventionally adopted as the standard reference THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
Aunque nos adelantemos demasiado a las explicaciones que les brindaremos en próximos informes, les advertimos que no deben ustedes imaginar a las partículas subatómicas, sumergidas dentro de este conjunto de IBOZOO UU. Although we anticipate too much to the explanations they give in future reports, be forewarned that you should not imagine subatomic particles, immersed within this set of IBOZOO States. SIMPLEMENTE porque Cualquier partícula (ELECTRÓN, MESÓN o GRAVITÓN) es PRECISAMENTE un IBOZOO UU orientado en forma singular respecto a los demás . Simply because any particle (electrons, inn or gravitons) is precisely a UU IBOZOO uniquely oriented with respect to others.
Concluyendo este párrafo: Nosotros también concebimos un ESPACIO de N DIMENSIONES . Concluding this paragraph: We also conceive an n-dimensional space. También la MASA por ejemplo es una “curvatura de ese espacio” pluridimensional. MASS also such a "curvature of the space" multidimensional. También suponemos DISTANCIAS en el seno del WAAM. We also assume DISTANCES within the WAAM. Solo que nuestros conceptos de magnitud, de Curvatura y de Distancia son radicalmente distintos de los terrestres. Only that our concepts of magnitude, Curvature and distance are radically different from terrestrial. Así cuando representamos en un gráfico el Espacio, Una recta, un punto, lo hacemos COMO USTEDES pues tales imágenes son familiares a nuestros sentidos... So when we represent in a graph space, a straight point, we do HOW YOU for such images are familiar to our senses ... Pero sabemos que ellas son una pura ficción . But we know that they are pure fiction.
El WAAM que conocemos es un CONJUNTO LIGADO (AYUU) o RED de ibozoo uu tal que si identificamos este conjunto con una serie ordenada de números naturales The WAAM we know is a SET BOUND (ayllu) uu ibozoo or network such that if we identify this set with an ordered set of natural numbers
N ---> ∞ N ---> ∞
Es preciso ofrecerles a ustedes una imagen mas fiel de la verdadera naturaleza del IBOZOO UU que nada tiene que ver con el PUNTO MATEMÁTICO ni con una PARTICULA ni con un CUANTUM de energía según las concepciones terrestres. It should offer you a better picture of the true nature of IBOZOO States that has nothing to do with the mathematical point or a particle or a quantum of energy as land conceptions. Deben desembarazar pues sus mentes de imágenes tan familiares como el PUNTO y la DIMENSIÓN LINEAL . They must rid their minds of images as familiar as the DOT and the linear dimension.
Si ustedes poseen formación matemática conocerán el concepto de HIPERESFERA en un N-ESPACIO. If you have mathematical training hypersphere know the concept of an N-SPACE.
Podemos representar analíticamente tal cuerpo geométrico. We can represent such a solid figure analytically.
Su ecuación correspondiente es familiar a los estudiosos. Its corresponding equation is familiar to scholars.
Si representamos las magnitudes definidas en los N ejes por a 1 a 2 a 3 ... If we represent the parameters defined in the N-axis by a 1 to 2 to 3 ... a n n
el radio de la HIPERESFERA vendrá definido por the radius of the hypersphere is defined by
Como no podemos representar gráficamente a tal HIPERESFERA supondremos una ESFERA tridimensional cuyos ejes están orientados ortogonalmente. Since we can not plot such hypersphere assume a three dimensional sphere whose axes are oriented orthogonally.
(Tratamos de escoger un modelo matemático (1) que represente al IBOZOO UU Ténganlo en cuenta: pues cuando nos refiramos a un Radio vector por ejemplo, nadie ha de suponer que tal radio ha de estar materializado realmente en el IBOZOO UU). (Try to choose a mathematical model (1) to represent the USA IBOZOO bear this in mind: for when we refer to a radius vector for example, one must assume that this radio really has to be embodied in IBOZOO UU).
Consideremos en la esfera de la IMAGEN 9 un OAWOO (Con este nombre especificamos tanto el concepto EJE de los matemáticos terrestres como el de VECTOR con sus atributos de módulo, origen y extremo. En este caso traducirán ustedes OAWOO como RADIO VECTOR. Ū Consider the area of Image 9 a OAWOO (With a name we specify both the mathematical concept of land AXIS like VECTOR module with its attributes, origin and end. Here you OAWOO translated as radius vector. Ū
Si considerarnos una HIPERESFERA de N DIMENSIONES podemos concebir otros tantos OAWOO ( RADIOS VECTORES ) que representen estas magnitudes. If we consider an n-dimensional hypersphere can conceive as many OAWOO (radius vector) representing these quantities.
Sean estos Ū 1 Ū 2 Ū 3 ................ If these Ū 1 U 2 u 3 ................ Ū n U n
Cuyas orientaciones respectivas son ortogonales, Es decir forman ángulos de π/2 Radianes entre sí. Whose respective orientations are orthogonal, ie angles of π / 2 radians between them.
Visto así el IBOZOO UU podría interpretarse como un espacio pluridimensional cerrado, y ustedes se lo volverían a imaginar con sus puntos, rectas, planos, hiperplanos, volúmenes inmersos e hipervolúmenes. Viewed thus IBOZOO States could be interpreted as a closed multi-dimensional space, and you imagine it again with his points, lines, planes, hyperplanes, and immersed hipervolúmenes volumes. Nada más lejos del genuino concepto real del IBOZOO UU. Nothing is further from the real concept of genuine IBOZOO States. Cuando nos referimos en el seno del IBOZOO UU a un OAWOO ( EJE ) ya su orientación, es claro que tal orientación carece de sentido geométrico sin un marco de referencia. When we refer IBOZOO within the USA to a OAWOO (AXIS) and its orientation, it is clear that this orientation is meaningless without a geometric framework. Así cuando uno de ustedes imagina una recta en el espacio, ha de trazar idealmente un sistema de ejes (llamados cartesianos por ustedes) de modo que la recta quedará definida tanto por su módulo (a su vez expresado por seis cotas en los ejes, como por sus cosenos So when one of you imagine a line in space, ideally has to draw an axis system (called Cartesian by you) so that the line will be defined both by its magnitude (in turn expressed by six dimensions on the axes, as by its cosine directores (IMAGEN 10 ) directors (IMAGE 10)
Pero observen ustedes que ese sistema de referencia ha sido escogido arbitrariamente en el seno del Espacio euclideo imaginado por ustedes. But notice that this referral system has been chosen arbitrarily within the Euclidean space imagined by you.
ES MUY IMPORTANTE QUE USTEDES ACUSEN LA DIFERENCIA respecto al IBOZOO UU NO ES POSIBLE ESCOGER EN EL MISMO IBOZOO UU un sistema referencial. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THE DIFFERENCE regarding IBOZOO UU CAN NOT CHOOSE THE SAME UU IBOZOO a referential system. Tal SISTEMA REFERENCIAL DEBE SER BRINDADO POR OTRO IBOZOO UU arbitrariamente escogido . Such a reference system MUST BE OFFERED BY ANOTHER IBOZOO States arbitrarily chosen. (Así en la imagen 11, si suponemos dos ibozoo uu ( ψ ) y ( Г ) carecería de sentido referirnos a los cosenos directores (As in Figure 11, assuming two ibozoo uu (ψ) and (Г) would be meaningless to speak of the direction cosines
cos α cos β cos γ que el OAWOO UU formaría con un triedro ideal cuyo origen fuese el “CENTRO” de la HIPERESFERA. α cos γ cos β cos that would form a OAWOO UU ideal trihedral whose origin is the "center" of the hypersphere. Tan solo podemos referirnos al ÁNGULO θ We can only refer to the angle θ IOAWOO que Ū Г de ( Г ) forma con el OAWOO (RADIO VECTOR) Ū ψ de ( ψ ) IOAWOO that U of Г (Г) is the OAWOO (radius vector) or of ψ (ψ)
Es precisamente ese IOAWOO θ (ANGULO-DIMENSIÓN) el que confiere al IBOZOO UU todo su sentido trascendente. It is precisely this IOAWOO θ (ANGLE-DIMENSION) that gives the full meaning UU IBOZOO transcendent. Necesitaran desde ahora un esfuerzo mental para realizar una traslación psicológica de tal manera que siempre que en Física hablemos de MAGNITUD no aflore al Campo de la Consciencia la imagen de un ESCALAR sino el IOAWOO ( ANGULO ) que los Radios vectores hipotéticos de DOS IBOZOO UU forman entre sí . Now requires a mental effort to make a mental translation so that whenever we speak of Magnitude Physics emerges not the field of consciousness the image of a scale but the IOAWOO (ANGLE) the DOS Radios hypothetical vectors are IBOZOO UU each other.
Carece de sentido AISLAR un IBOZOO UU en un esfuerzo de abstracción para estudiarlo . Isolating a meaningless IBOZOO States in an effort to study abstraction. PODÍAMOS EXPRESARLO EN IDIOMA ESPAÑOL, traduciendo el conocido POSTULADO de nuestros físicos He could express SPANISH LANGUAGE, translating the known postulates of our physical
Observen que este postulado está en franca contradicción con las proposiciones clásicas de la llamada por los Terrestres TEORÍA MATEMTICA DE CONJUNTOS ya que si bien I i Note that this postulate is in marked contrast to the classical propositions of the call by the Land THEORY OF SETS Math because although I i c c W (El elemento I i (IBOZOO UU) pertenece al conjunto W (WAAM) El elemento I (aislado): W (The element I i (IBOZOO UU) in the set W (WAAM) The element I (isolated):
I = Ø (Un IBOZOO UU considerado como conjunto es vacío). I = Ø (A IBOZOO States considered as a whole is empty).
Expliquémoslo un tanto a los OEMII poco familiarizados con las Matemáticas: Naturalmente un IBOZOO UU NO ES “VISIBLE” ni con el auxilio de los aparatos más fantásticos que ustedes puedan imaginar en un laboratorio. To explain it somewhat unfamiliar with OEMII Math: Naturally a UU IBOZOO NOT "VISIBLE" or with the aid of the most fantastic devices that you can imagine in a laboratory. Ustedes sin embargo podían objetarnos: ¿ Cómo saben los científicos de UMMO que esa entidad existe si no han llegado a detectarla ? However you may object: How do scientists know that this entity exists Ummo if they have not come to detect it? El uso del vocablo “detección” es aquí inoportuno. The use of the word "notice" is inappropriate here. Si hemos llegado a inferir la existencia del IBOZOO UU, es porque el Modelo Físico elaborado con su hipótesis satisface hasta ahora todas las explicaciones, todos los problemas del comportamiento de la Materia y la Energía y lo que es mas: Brinda una vía plausible de interpretación a fenómenos extrasensoriales tales como las comunicaciones telepáticas a través del BUUAWEE BIAEEI ( ESPIRITU COLECTIVO HUMANO ). If we have to infer the existence of IBOZOO States, it is because the physical model developed with their hypothesis satisfies all the explanations so far, all the behavioral problems of matter and energy and what's more: It provides a plausible way of interpreting extrasensory phenomena like telepathic communication through BUUAWEE BIAEEI (COLLECTIVE HUMAN SPIRIT).
Aunque tales entidades no son visibles, en aras de una comprensión de matiz pedagógico pueden ustedes imaginarse al WAAM como una inmensa red de pequeñas esferas (IMAGEN 12) cada una de las cuales representa un IBOZOO UU. While such entities are not visible, for the sake of pedagogical understanding of nuance you can imagine the WAAM as a vast network of small spheres (figure 12) each of which represents a IBOZOO States. Todas ellas son de un color distinto, pero dentro de un conjunto cromático podemos seleccionar todas las que difieren entre si por una ligera variación de matiz. All are of a different color, but within a color set that we can select all differ from each other by a slight change of nuance. (Distintos tonos de verde por ejemplo) (Different shades of green for example)
Con esta metáfora didáctica (Esferas coloreadas) expresaríamos al conjunto de IBOZOO UU que difieren entre sí tan solo en el ángulo IOAWOO que sus respectivos OAWOO (RADIOS VECTORES) forman con uno de los IBOZOO UU tomado como referencia. With this metaphor teaching (colored areas) would express to all UU IBOZOO which differ only in their respective IOAWOO angle OAWOO (radius vector) form one of the IBOZOO States taken as a reference. PERO TALES QUE SU CAMPO DE ROTACIÓN SEA EL HIPERPLANO H (como no podemos dibujar un hiperplano, supongamos en la IMAGEN 13 que se trata de un plano meridiano P (Los ibozoo uu cuyos radios vectores giren en otro plano meridiano los codificaremos con otro color. Por ejemplo Orange. But such that its field of rotation is the hyperplane H (as we can not draw a hyperplane, say in the IMAGE 13 which is a meridian plane P (ibozoo uu The radii vectors rotate in another plane meridian scrambled with another color. For example Orange.
Si seleccionamos como hemos dicho todos los IBOZOO UU a los que didácticamente hemos asignado el color VERDE que existen en el WAAM observaremos que ordenados matemáticamente formarán un OXOOIAEE (CADENA ANULAR) (IMAGEN 14). If we select as we have said all those who IBOZOO didactically States have assigned the green color that exist in the WAAM see that form a mathematically ordered OXOOIAEE (ANNULAR CHAIN) (IMAGE 14).
Expresado de otro modo, considerado I i Put another way, considered I i _ _ W (SUBCONJUNTO de W) podemos establecer una correspondencia biunívoca entre estos IBOZOO UU del OXOIAEE (CADENA EN FORMA DE ANILLO) y los infinitos ángulos que un radio vector puede describir en un plano. W (subsets of W) we can establish a correspondence between these IBOZOO States of OXOIAEE (CHAIN ring) and the infinite radius vector angles can be described in a plane. No es que tales IBOZOO UU estén situados en el WAAM (COSMOS) formando una cadena sin fin situados topológicamente una serie ordenada. Not that such IBOZOO States are located in the WAAM (COSMOS) forming an endless chain located topologically an ordered series. no, Son nuestros sentidos como después explicaremos los que realizan esa función intelectual de ordenación (Un símil terrestre lo explicará mejor. Cuando ustedes valoran la cantidad de dinero impuesta en una cuenta corriente, bancaria, pueden si quieren imaginarse los dólares, las libras esterlinas o las pesetas ordenados convenientemente para contarlas. Esa ordenación empero ustedes saben que es ilusoria. not, are our senses and after doing that explain the intellectual function of management (A terrestrial analogy will explain it better. When you value the amount of money placed in a checking account, bank, if they can imagine the dollars, pounds sterling or pesetas to count properly sorted. That sort however you know that is illusory.
Dos componentes inmediatos de esa cadena ( Δ ) y ( π ) diferirán entre si un ángulo infinitesimal dθ Two immediate components of that chain (Δ) and (π) differ between whether an infinitesimal angle dθ
Un observador hipotético que viese el conjunto de la OXOOOIAEE (CADENA ANULAR) desde el IBOZCO UU ( A hypothetical observer who saw the whole OXOOOIAEE (ANNULAR CHAIN) from IBOZCO UU ( ) interpretará tal cadena como UNA LINEA RECTA . ) Interpret this string as a straight line. Observe también que un hipotético viajero que partiese de ( Note also that a hypothetical traveler from (
) en “LINEA RECTA” a través del WAAM (COSMOS) acabarla necesariamente por regresar al IBOZOO UU original. ) In "straight line" through WAAM (COSMOS) necessarily finish by returning to the original IBOZOO States.
Expresado de otro modo: Lo que nuestros sentidos interpretan corno MAGNITUD LINEAL es decir como una RECTA o como dirían ustedes: un ESCALAR LINEAL, no es sino una OXOOIAEE (CADENA DE IBOZOO UU ) Es la imagen mental ilusoria con que nuestro neuroencéfalo realiza una labor de síntesis y ordenación de ese CONJUNTO de IBOZOO UU (QUE EN EL WAAM ESTAN EN REALIDAD EN “DESORDEN” Y SIN UBICACIÓN DEFINIDA). Put another way: what our senses interpret linear magnitude horn is, as a line or as you say, a linear scale, is nothing but a OXOOIAEE (IBOZOO CHAIN UU) is the illusory mental image that makes our work neuroencéfalo Synthesis and management of this group of IBOZOO UU (WHICH ARE IN REALITY WAAM "DISORDER" AND WITHOUT defined location).
Aun a riesgo de resultar excesivamente reiterativos, les advertimos del riesgo didáctico que supone para ustedes creer que los IBOZOO de esa cadena están en el Universo ordenados en línea recta . NO ES ASI . At the risk of being overly repetitive, warned of the risk posed to teaching you to believe that IBOZOO that chain in the universe are arranged in a straight line. Not so. We only say that such IBOZOO UU AIOOYA related in the WAAM. You do not imply POINTS of location for them! You do not create who two IBOZOO UU that to defer an elementary angle (dθ we have drawn) them adjacent in images 13 and 14 are it in fact.
If we considered in this last image 15, a ground observer related to IBOZOO UU (t) and our Planet UMMO related to the (u) we will say that a distance L exists from EARTH to UMMO because from a frame of arbitrary control, an angular difference between both IBOZOO UU exists. Angular difference that implies the existence of INFINITES IBOZOO UU between both.
But we considered another reference system we will discover one second chain of IBOZOO UU so that angular difference will have varied (In the drawings we represented those marks of reference with GREEN dazzling planes ORANGE and. We would say then that the distance between UMMO and EARTH is DIFFERENT L'.
We can because to conclude expressing: That we defined the AIR LINE and its measured MAGNITUDE envelope she as a chain of immersed IBOZCO UU in the WAAM like their OAWOO (RADIOS VECTORES) defers an angle ordenadamente dθ) and are ALL oriented in HIPERPLANO H. a case limit of AIR LINE will be the OXOOIAEE WAAM (that we could translate like UNIVERSAL GEOIDE) (IMAGE 14).
None you have to interpret who a POINT OF THAT STRAIGHT LINE would come represented by a IBOZOO UU. since we have already said to them that a IBOZOO UU in itself lacks meaning. In any case we would define to an elementary segment, like a pair ligature of IBOZOO UU. They reject then in one go for always the CONCEPT OF GEOMETRIC POINT that the terrestrial mathematicians have introyectado in their brains. If you have not understood this she is that they have not gotten to assimilate the genuine sense of our Physics.
Expressed this with terrestrial mathematical annotation:
It is and a set of GEOMETRIC POINTS according to the conception of N-Space of RIEMANN (Mathematical terrestrial) in which each point is
P (x1 x2 x3 ..... xn) (p)
The Set of IBOZOO UU of the WAAM (i) is on the other hand W we expressed that
If p E (all point p belongs to E)
and i W (All IBOZOO UU i belongs to W)
It's verified that: W E = Ø
That is to say, the W and intersection is the empty set. .
If D and D' are two sets of IBOZOO UU that imply distances measured by observing orienting them under different angles, it will verify that
D D D' = Ø
But IBOZOO UU is something more than a factor than interprets the genuine sense of the cosmic distances. Our WAAM (UNIVERSO) is a Whole in whose warp we can appreciate manifolds factors that to our sensorial organs and our physical instruments appear like static Fields of forces. Thus; we accuse the presence of a near star, by the influence that exerts on a different mass. Then to define such influence to us as a gravitational field, or we detected electromagnetic wave trains whose radiation sources can be artificial as the generated ones in a terrestrial transmitter of Television or can come from a Nebula whose plasma ions move alternatively. The Universe appears to us as it is based of a series of as familiar phenomena as the Speed, the Force or the slow one to flow of the Time.
Especially, this magnitude TIME has for us a singular importance. In the next typed pages that we will send to him, we will try to do to you light to him on the individual. We will indicate to him for example that the time to a series of IBOZOO UUU can be assimilated whose axes are oriented orthogonally with respect to OAWOO (RADIOS VECTORES) that implies distances, being able to occur the case if the investment of axes is suitable, that an observer in his new frame of reference appreciates like distance which in the old referential system was valued like time interval.
Then you will include because a happened event to great distance of us (for example in UMMO) never can be SIMULTANEOUS to another terrestrial one. It will also include/understand because a hypothetical object that moved at the limiting velocity (You you denominate Speed of the LIGHT) would shorten its distance on the transfering axis until being reduced to a pair of IBOZOO UU (Distance that although tends to zero, is not null as it erroneously points one of the Lorentz transformations (Mathematical terrestrial).
It will also include/understand, that what you denominate SUBPARTÍCULA atomics as a NEUTRINO, an INN or an ANTIPROTON, with diverse allocations in its mass, loads and spin, are not more than multiple directions of own IBOZOO UU (Reason why if the terrestrial physicists follow dedicated to the detection, valuation and classification of all the possible subparticles, trillions of years would not be enough to obtain it, since such task of classification is as sterile as to look for denominations each one of the infinite angles whereupon we can contemplate a star throughout a day.
A previous definition to the definitive definition of IBOZOO UU that we will offer them in the end, is this: A IBOZOO UU is a cosmic elementary organization integrated by a beam of orthogonal axes THAT CANNOT BE CUT To each other, bound to a set of independent IBOZOO UU by relations of angular character.
They observe that step by step we are fitting to us more and more faithfully to the authentic concept of IBOZOO UU defined by our specialists of UMMO. We have thought that to offer from the first moment a genuine definition them it would tangle with excess the didactic character of these paragraphs, if we consider that does not exist in the Planet Earth a Theory that comes near in its formulation to ours.
They also observe that when translating such definition, we have expressed that IBOZOO UU Integra a BEAM OF ORTHOGONAL AXES THAT CANNOT BE CUT To each other. This is very difficult to understand if you follow maintaining the classic mental image of Euclidean SPACE with your plot of points and straight lines.
the radii vectors are cut in center of the sphere (POINT OF a EUCLIDEAN SPACE conceived by terrestrial ones)
naturally if IBOZOO UU were like a sphere or a hypersphere (IMAGE 16) (in its sine, the different axes they could BE CUT IN a POINT. (for example the radii vectors would be cut in center) Such mathematical model then WILL NOT REPRESENT TRULY IBOZOO UU.
For that reason when choosing in our description, the model of a sphere, we only try to obtain a more faithful translation of concepts, using the algorithms, mathematical notations and very familiar geometric concepts to terrestrial (Something similar to which you usually do when for reasons of simplification consider to the globe of the Planet Earth like an ideal sphere, even with in question conscience of an ellipsoid (deformed) of revolution (triáxico Ellipsoid isosceles).
We suppose because a SPHERE (IMAGE 16) that would constitute one of dazzling the HYPERPLANE infinites of HYPERSPHERE of order N = 4 (If you are not familiarized with this concept, imagine that if we denominated dazzling Plane to the section of a sphere that happens through its center, being the order sphere N = 3, for HYPERSPHERE of 4 dimensions, its “serious section” indeed a figure of N-1 dimensions that is to say, a sphere.
It is precise that they remember the concept of angle in HYPERSPACE
two HYPERPLANES definided by the coordinates U = (U 0 U 1 U 2 ... Un) y V = (V 0 V 1 V 2 .... V n )
Both HYPERPLANES determine a beam . . Then: in
there are two HYPERPLANES
that are tangents to the fundamental quadric
The angle (where
) between these two HYPERPLANES P and Q, is defined by
In that Є = +1 since we are supposing HYPERSPHERE of positive Curvatura (Case of the fictitious model of IBOZOO UU).
(We remembered the difference between SPHERE of positive curvature (IMAGE 17) and one spherical Surface of negative curvature (image 18) that help to include/understand the concepts of HYPERSPHFERE of curvatures Є = +1 and Є = -1
Then: When = -1 we will consider both HYPERPLANES being orthogonals
If you replace the OOAWOO concept (Radio linear VECTOR of our more simplistic previous model, by the one of HIPERPLANO of N=4 order and suppose these HIPERPLANOS of reference, not in own IBOZOO UU in study, but in other bound to him, we can imagine three cosines directors to whom we will denominate
(We use notations with characters of Greece)
That they will define other so many angles to us () that we defined as IOAWOO (ÁNGULOS DIMENSIONALES) that will define each the respective values to us of the three-dimensional space we conceived as it. One assumes that an infinitesimal variation in the value of these cosines directors supposes a pair ligature of IBOZOO UU.
Arrived up to here, to some brothers of you with more elementary mathematical formation, that pedagogical image from WAAM (UNIVERSO) represented by an immense “cluster will be to them more suggestive from libélulas”.
You can suppose that those arquípteros insects, are multícromos, In spite of being infinite, will be able to consist to us that a single pair does not exist that has the same tone of color. We can see them revoloteando in such a way that never we know where he is one of them at that one moment, because one is simultaneously, here and everywhere at the same time. They are green, Magenta, Orange, Blue, purple, bister, vermilion, gilded, all mixed to each other.
We suppose that we have an organ of the so acute and special Vision that in a glance we can locate to all the million of libélulas of a single color: Green for example and that in addition our brain so is developed that he is able to order them by shades, from GREEN the CLEAR one to less luminous… But there am the brain does a bad play here to us. Instead of to perceive a Pleiad ordinate of insects being formed a rich range of greenish tones to contemplate one cold and abstract air line to us: The pair of libélulas green, clearly more luminous acquires for our brain the prosaic character of the nearest end of that larguísimo straight line segment. The pair of libélulas of turbid blue greenish, will imagine to us like the point distant limit and of that immense straight line. (IMAGE 19)
In order to include Our PHYSICAL Model of WAAM, terrestrial ones they have to outline other mental images different from which from children has become topical for you. They have to study other diverse forms of mathematical Logic, have to include/understand that image of a Physical World integrated by atoms within which they integrate subparticle multitude atomics occupying at every moment probabilistic positions, is an insufficient TRUTH and little outlined, they have to reject that absurd mental image, of that the movement of a subparticle that moves to an instantaneous speed, V, is the material step of that same particle, of a POINT P to another adjacent P' that is of him an infinitesimal space, in an elementary interval of time dt. In order to open the way to the real concept of speed, that implies, diverse rotations in two related IBOZOO UU, by which the first IBOZOOUU of the pair when investing their axes leaves of presentársenos like a particle subatomics, while the second orients its OAWOO (AXES, RADIOS VECTORS) to become a subparticle (corno call you them) identical to the previous one (takes place therefore a false effect of transfering, something as well as if two separated terrestrial prestidigitadores ten meters in a scene, operates putting a one of them rabbit marked in the pocket, and removing it his compadre to the few moments from his. Any intelligent person would understand that the rabbit has not traveled by the air, and that is two pocketed a ball identical rabbits.
She turns out to us surprising to observe, that after to have studied the Earth Physicists exhaustive, the Wave mechanics and observed that All the phenomena time function can be reduced in last end to a series of CYCLICAL functions sinusoidal That is to say, has not intuited WAAM (Universo) angular Take refuging in the mathematical Model (rigid) to scale postulate by Euclides and its successors.
A correction of these concepts in the social hour that lives the Earth at the moment, would not be nothing flattering for you. More bond than the Earth Physicists is discovering the truth more slowly giving time to that the spiritual values are yielding passage to the aggressive instincts of certain economic oligarchies that they reign in certain countries.
In the image it can be appraised of a symbolic form as neuroencephale makes a synthesis work classifying IBOZOO UU in a scale ordinate, based on his angular magnitude with respect to one of them taken like reference.
When the OEMII watches in a determined direction, its line of vision includes/understands to the set of IBOZOO UU whose OAWOO are oriented with different angles in a Field that you could symbolize mathematically with HIPERPLANO.
This ingenuous image, is destined to the lacking OEMII of mathematical preparation.
The initiates will understand that IBOZOO UU are not located in defined points, and that the term DISORDER or ENTROPY would not fit either in this model. Yes the green esferitas symbolize a line of vision in certain direction, blue, the red ones, etc., would represent other so many lines of vision directed by the human eye in different directions. She makes no sense to express that IBOZOO UU are like esferitas, or that “among them exist the emptiness” or who are tangent to each other in a full dense space of IBOZOO UU. Such mental images are those that appear in a UUGEEYIE (young) when it is spoken to him for the first time in UMMO of the conception of SPACE integrated by IBOZOO UU.
Its infantile mentality, accustomed the familiar perceptions tends to materialize that concept of IBOOZOO UU and to assign corporeidad to him.
One imagines then to the WAAM like an immense egg of UYAAAYAA (species of arthropod that drags a great full stock market of their huevecillos transparencies).
In image 19 it can because be appraised as in the field of the conscience it appears the image of a segment, of a straight line, codified translation of the stimuli arrived at the retina.