Nº de Copias distribuidas 1 Idioma Español Number of copies distributed 1 Language Spanish
Por solicitud del Profesor Sesma Manzano At the request of Professor Sesma Manzano
A petición Doo. A request Doo.
Conformes con su solicitud de un informe sobre nuestra cultura Filosofía y Religión. Comply with your request for a report on our culture, philosophy and religion. Comprenderá empero, que nos sea imposible resumirla en pocas páginas. Understand however, that we are unable to summarize in a few pages.
Hemos juzgado sugestivo esbozarle una miscelánea que englobe algunas de sus características más descollantes aun a riesgo de hacerlo de una forma insistematizada. We have tried to outline a suggestive miscellany covering some of its most conspicuous characteristics even at the risk of doing a insistematizada shape.
Un compendio más extenso y coherente fue remitido en Mayo de 1965 al Profesor KI Ivanov (Unión Soviética). A more comprehensive and coherent summary was submitted in May 1965 to Professor KI Ivanov (Soviet Union). Otro informe sobre nuestro sistema Religioso se dirigió con carácter reservado al Observatorio de la Ciudad del Vaticano (Italia). Another report on our religious systems in closed went to the Center of the Vatican City (Italy).
El riesgo más inquietante que supone realizar esta síntesis estriba en privar a las afirmaciones contenidas en ella de una cuidadosa argumentación lógica. The most disturbing risk of having to place this synthesis is to deny the allegations contained in her careful logical argument.
331. ARTE . 331. ARTE.
Con toda objetividad hemos de reconocer el genuino atraso de UMMO respecto a la Humanidad Terrestre en este campo. In all objectivity we must recognize the genuine respect to backwardness of Humanity Ummo Land in this area. Ahora hemos comprendido como un descubrimiento técnico realizado por nosotros en los primeros estadios de nuestra Historia ha llegado a atrofiar todo el desarrollo de las manifestaciones pictórico-escultóricas, tal como se forjaron en el Planeta de ustedes. Now we have understood as a technical discovery made by us in the early stages of our history has come to stunt the development of the whole painting-sculpture demonstrations, as forged in the planet from you.
En el año 402 de nuestro segundo Tiempo (aun no se conocía la naturaleza de la electrostática y los AAKSBOUTZ -motores de metano- no habían aparecido) un antepasado nuestro In the year 402 of our second time (still not known the nature of the electrostatic and AAKSBOUTZ-methane engines had not appeared) an ancestor UUL 76 hijo de 76 Uul son
UUL 73 descubre que proyectando a través de un pequeño orificio una imagen luminosa (naturalmente invertida) sobre una lámina de selenio (frotada previamente) y espolvoreada después con polen de una planta, queda fijada esta imagen: como lo era en uno de los daguerrotipos de la época de Hiepce en la Tierra. Uul finds 73 projecting through a small hole in a bright image (naturally inverted) on a sheet of selenium (rubbed on) and then dusted with pollen from a plant is fixed this picture: as it was in one of the daguerreotypes of Hiepce's time on Earth.
Hoy ya conocemos la razón: Today we know the reason:
Si por medio de una lente proyectamos una imagen cualquiera sobre una placa que hemos triboelectrizado frotándola con un paño, las zonas bañadas por la luz presentarán distinto potencial eléctrico que las no iluminadas. If through a lens project an image on a plate either have triboelectrizado rubbing with a cloth, the light-drenched areas presented different electrical potential than non-illuminated. Si después espolvoreamos con talco o carbono finamente dividido, las zonas electrizadas retendrán los gránulos. If then sprinkle with talcum powder or finely divided carbon, electrified areas retain the granules. Queda pues fijada una auténtica fotografía de la imagen primitiva. Hereby fixed as a real photograph of the original image. (El proceso real es algo más complicado). (The actual process is more complicated).
Partiendo de este sistema, nuestros antepasados “repintaban” luego la imagen con pigmentos adecuados, hasta que la evolución de la UULAYANA NAI (Electrofotografía) hizo innecesaria esta labor secundaria manual. Using this system, our ancestors "repainted" after the image with appropriate pigments until the evolution of UULAYANA NAI (Electrophotography) made unnecessary the manual secondary task. Pero de este modo nuestra Humanidad no sintió necesidad de la Pintura tal como ustedes la conocen, atrofiándose en parte algunas facultades estéticas. But our humanity thus felt no need of painting as you well know, some faculties atrophied partly aesthetic.
En nuestra Historia no han aparecido como entre ustedes, múltiples corrientes del pensamiento en torno a la existencia o no existencia de In our history have emerged as among you many streams of thought regarding the existence or nonexistence of WOA (Generador, llamado por ustedes Dios o Jehová). WOA (generator, called by you or Jehovah God). Por el contrario, toda nuestra cultura ha sido siempre WOASSEE (Generista, o como ustedes dirían: Teísta). On the contrary, our culture has always been WOASSEE (gender, or as you would say, theistic). Aunque hasta la vivisección de Although to vivisection
UMMOWOA se llegó a identificar WAAM -el Cosmos- con WOA -DIOS- por medio de una constelación de creencias que ustedes calificarían de Panteístas. Became identified UMMOWOA WAAM-WOA Cosmos-with-God-by a constellation of beliefs that you describe as pantheistic.
No existía ninguna forma definida de culto. There was no definite form of worship. Nuestra Humanidad atravesaba entonces una alucinante y angustiosa época: Cientos de enfermos psíquicos, desequilibrados sus centros neurofísicos generadores de impulsos BUUAWE BIE telepáticos, aterrorizaban a la población retrasando el avance de la cultura. Our humanity was then passing through an amazing and distressing time: Hundreds of mentally ill, unbalanced neurophysicist centers BIE BUUAWE pulse generators telepathic, terrorizing the population by delaying the advancement of culture. Se pensaba más en dar caza a esos desgraciados enfermos que en rendir culto a WOA (DIOS). He thought more about hunting down these unfortunate patients in worship WOA (God).
Por entonces existía aun en UMMO un Gobierno monocrático que se elegía por proclamación de los AASE OGIA (Jefes de Población). At that time there was even a government Ummo monocractic that was chosen by proclamation of the OGY Aase (Heads of Population). Lentamente fueron perfeccionándose los métodos de detección de estos enfermos. Slowly honed methods of detection of this disease. En el año 1126 de nuestro primer Tiempo surge el método AARWIO BUUA El, precedente de nuestro moderno AARGA BUUA El para neutralizar sus anárquicos gritos, matándolos a distancia, y con él florece toda la investigación científica. In 1126 our first time there is the AARWIO BUUA The method, the forerunner of our modern AARG BUUA to neutralize their anarchic The cries, killing them at a distance, and it blooms all scientific research. (Equivale este triunfo al descubrimiento por ustedes de la imprenta). (Equivalent to the discovery that you win the press).
Nuestro pueblo respira al fin libre de su esclavitud mental. Our people breathe finally free of his mental slavery.
Pero desgraciadamente aparecen también las primeras formas embrionarias de la tiranía. But unfortunately appear too early embryonic forms of tyranny. Con IE 456 Hija de NA 312 surge el gobierno más espantosamente despótico que ha conocido UMMO. With IE 312 NA 456 daughter comes over terribly despotic government has known Ummo.
A los 8,5 años de edad (en equivalencia terrestre) IE 456 demuestra ser una muchacha dotada de un nivel de inteligencia sorprendente, y el Consejo Local (los padres no tenían autoridad docente en aquel tiempo) la destina al ONAWO UII (especie de Universidad o Centro Politécnico) para el estudio de la OOLGA WAAM (Física y Cosmología). At 8.5 years of age (equity land) 456 IE proves to be a girl equipped with a surprising level of intelligence, and the Local Council (the parents had no education authority at that time) intended to Onawa UII (sort of Polytechnic University or Center) to study the OOLGA WAAM (Physics and Cosmology). En esa época, los estudios sobre campos electromagnéticos y Fisiología celular estaban muy avanzados aunque seguíase considerando al Universo como un continuo de tres dimensiones y se ignoraba la naturaleza íntima de la comunicación telepática. At that time, studies on EMF and cell physiology were well advanced but continued to see the universe as a continuum of three dimensions and are unaware of the intimate nature of telepathic communication.
A los 13,2 años de edad, IE 456 es nombrada profesora de WAAMTOA (Historia de la Cosmología) iniciando al mismo tiempo sus investigaciones sobre el Campo Gravitatorio de UMMO. At 13.2 years of age, 456 IE is appointed professor of WAAMTOA (History of Cosmology) while initiating his research on the gravitational field of Ummo. Sus NOA (alumnos) eran todos de mayor edad que aquella niña menudita y enfermiza que les imponía sin embargo una férrea y cruel disciplina (en UMMO el profesor ha sustituido siempre al padre durante la etapa docente del individuo). Your NOA (students) were all older than the girl petite and sickly that they imposed a harsh and however cruel discipline (in Ummo professor father always replaced during the stage of the individual teacher).
Los descubrimientos de IE 456: Cálculo de la masa de nuestro Planeta y la naturaleza de la banda ionizada polar de UMMO, la convierten pronto en la primera figura científica de nuestro Planeta, al lado de IMII 23 Hijo de IMII 22 creador de la moderna psicología. The findings of IE 456: Calculation of mass of the planet and the nature of the ionized polar Ummo band, make it early in the first scientific figure of our planet, next to IMII 23 Son of IMII 22 founder of modern psychology .
Cuando se desmaterializa el espíritu (muere) del anciano jerarca OES 17 Hijo de OES 14, la pequeña IE 456 es elegida por el Consejo de AASE OUIA (gobernadores) reunidos en el valle de NAATOWSEE UANAII (era costumbre ancestral reunirse en el histórico Valle para elegir al Gran Jerarca de UMMO ya sus doce consejeros. When dematerialized spirit (die) of the aged 17 Son of hierarch OES OES 14, the small IE 456 is selected by the Council OUIA Aase (governors) meeting in the Valley NAATOWSEE UANAII (ancestral custom was to meet in the historic Valley to elect the Great Hierarch of Ummo and twelve directors.
La opinión del pueblo fue, sin embargo opuesta desde el primer momento -y la fina intuición de las masas no estuvo muy equivocada-, aunque la reacción popular adversa estaba motivada por la desagradable sensación de verse regida por una niña. The opinion of the people was, however opposite from the first moment and the fine intuition of the masses was very wrong, although adverse popular reaction was motivated by the unpleasant sensation of being ruled by a girl.
332. RÉGIMEN DESPÓTICO DE IE 456 HIJA DE NA 312 . 332. IE despotic regime DAUGHTER 456 NA 312.
A los 17 días de su ascensión al poder; el famoso AAR GOA provoca lo que ustedes llaman “Golpe de Estado” mandando ejecutar a nueve de sus doce consejeros y se proclama jefe absoluto de UMMO invocando el supuesto derecho que le asiste de acelerar el progreso científico. At 17 days of his ascension to power, the famous GOA AAR creates what you call "coup" to execute sending nine of its twelve directors and chief proclaims absolute invoking Ummo course right that it accelerate progress scientist. Desarrolla entonces una tesis filosófica heterodoxa, según la cual: Then develops a heterodox philosophical thesis according to which:
“El Cosmos no existe a priori sino tan solo los espíritus de los hombres, que al generar imágenes mentales y conceptos o abstracciones intelectuales, CREA al UNIVERSO. "The cosmos does not exist a priori but only the spirits of men, that in generating mental images and concepts or intellectual abstractions, CREATE the Universe.
Según ella, cuando un humano descubre una ley biológica o física, es víctima de una ilusión, cree que tal ley existía desde el origen del Cosmos, cuando en realidad acaba de generarla él mismo. She said when a human finds a biological or physical law, a victim of an illusion, believes such a law existed since the origin of the cosmos, when in fact he just generated.
El destino de la Humanidad de UMMO estribaría pues en acelerar la investigación científica sin reparar en los medios pues así aceleraría la Creación. The fate of Humanity Ummo would lie for scientific research to accelerate regardless of the media as well as accelerate the creation. Postula pues lE 456 que WOA (DIOS) no es sino el conjunto de los seres de UMMO y que el cerebro de WOA Será ella misma IE 456 Hija de NA 312!!! Apply it to 456 lE WOA (God) is nothing but the whole Ummo beings and that the brain itself will WOA IE 312 NA 456 Daughter!
Estremece pensar en nuestros días, que una jovencita que aun no había sufrido la primera menstruación (en algunas regiones de UMMO la menarquia aparece hacia los 16 años y la menopausia hacia los 45 -siempre que nos referimos al año, lo consideramos como unidad terrestre de tiempo-) pudiera subyugar así a millones de personas. Shudder to think today that a girl who had not yet experienced the first menstruation (in some regions of Ummo menarche appears by age 16 and menopause at around 45-whenever we refer to the year, we consider it as ground unit time-) and could subjugate millions of people.
Planificó la investigación científica en todo UMMO, surgieron cientos de nuevos ONAWO UII (especie de Centros de enseñanza donde a la vez se sigue la vida cotidiana) y dispuso que todos los hombres, mujeres y adolescentes, racionalizasen drásticamente su tiempo, dividiéndolo entre estudio y trabajo. Planned scientific research throughout Ummo emerged hundreds of new Onawa UII (sort of Schools where both are still life) and ordered all men, women and adolescents, dramatically streamline time, divided between study and work.
A los 15,2 años de edad, IE 456 promulga los famosos doce INAIE DUIO (leyes o decretos), según las cuales, siendo ella el WAAMDISAIAYA (algo así como Centro Coordinador del Cosmos, Asómbrense!! At 15.2 years of age, IE 456 enacts the famous Twelve DUIO INAI (laws or decrees), whereby, when she was the WAAMDISAIAYA (something like Cosmos Coordinating Center, be amazed!
1º Se proclama propietaria de los seres de UMMO:: pudiendo disponer de sus vidas sin limitación alguna. 1 owner is proclaimed Ummo beings: their lives may have no limitations.
2º Elabora y estandariza para todo UMMO unos ritos de culto que le serán rendidos por todos los humanos. Develops and standardizes 2nd Ummo for all rites of worship that will be rendered by all humans.
3º El supremo fin de UMMO es la Investigación Científica, y si es preciso que todos los hombres mueran en aras de la Ciencia y de la Génesis del Cosmos como consecuencia inmediata, ella no tendrá escrúpulos en destruirlos. 3 The supreme end of Ummo is Scientific Research, and if all men must die for the sake of Science and the Genesis of the Cosmos as an immediate consequence, it will not scruple to destroy.
Surge así un estremecedor clima de terror. This raises a chilling climate of terror. Aquellos científicos calificados que habiendo sido valorada su inteligencia por encima de cierto nivel, no llegaban a aportar algún descubrimiento a la Ciencia eran torturados bárbaramente. Those qualified scientists who, having been valued intelligence above a certain level, failed to provide any discovery to science were savagely tortured.
Las mujeres, hombres y niños que en las BIEEWIA (Pruebas Psicotécnicas) no lograban sobrepasar un umbral standard de aptitudes mentales, eran destinados al mismo fin que ustedes en la tierra destinan a las cobayas o conejos de indias. Women, men and children in BIEEWIA (psychometric testing) failed to exceed a threshold standard of mental abilities, were for the same purpose that you intended to land in guinea pigs or guinea pigs. Por ejemplo, en AEVO UI ONAAWO (Universidad de AEVO) en un día, y solo en 12 UIW (unos 36 minutos) se llegaron a viviseccionar 160 jóvenes de ambos sexos, de edades comprendidas entre 17,6 y 22 años, extirpándoseles sin anestesia -que aun no se conocía- parte de la masa encefálica en una experiencia destinada a localizar los centros neuroolfativos de la corteza For example, in AEVO ONAAWO UI (University of AEVO) in a day, and only in 12 UIW (approx. 36 minutes) is reached dissect 160 youths of both sexes, aged between 17.6 and 22 years, without anesthesia extirpándoseles -yet-known part of the brain tissue in an experiment aimed at locating the centers of the cortex neuroolfativos
La mitomanía y crueldad delirante de aquella muchachita cuya imagen borrosa de los ULAAYANA NAE (especie de fotografías pigmentadas) de la época, nos revelan una tez cetrina y unos ojos pequeños e inexpresivos, llegaban a unos extremos vergonzosos. Mythomania and cruelty of that girl whose delirious blur of ULAAYANA NAE (sort of pigmented photographs) of the time, we reveal a sallow complexion and small eyes and expressionless, came to a shameful end.
En sus audiencias (que por supuesto solo se concedían a preeminentes científicos y WAAMUA ODEU -pensadores o filósofos-) sus súbditos debían presentarse ante ella totalmente desprovistos de ropa, precisamente en una época en que el pudor sexual era arraigadísimo entre nuestros antepasados, y con los párpados cerrados por un mástico. In its hearings (which of course were granted only to prominent scientists and thinkers or WAAMUA ODEU-philosophers) their subjects were due to her totally devoid of clothing, particularly at times when the sexual assault was arraigadísimo among our ancestors, and the lids closed for a mastic.
Si el juicio sobre ellos era favorable, el YIISAIA (premio) consistía en permitirles abrir los ojos para verla y comer y beber los AAYA IEAAYA (heces fecales y orina) de la dueña de UMMO. If the trial about them was positive, the YIISAIA (prize) was to allow them to open their eyes to see and eat and drink the IEAAYA Aaya (feces and urine) of the owner of Ummo.
AMU A 47 hija de OGA A 1896 investigadora matemática famosa a quien se atribuyen los primeros estudios sobre la teoría de redes eléctricas, fue recibida por la joven déspota. AMU A 47 daughter of OGA to 1896 famous mathematical researcher who is credited with the first studies on electrical network theory, was received by the young despot. La conmoción psíquica fue tan grande, que la desgraciada (cuya edad era entonces de 38,7 años) no pudo controlar sus esfínteres. The psychic shock was so great that the unfortunate (whose age was then 38.7 years) could not control his sphincters. IE 456 después de humillarla delante de sus siervas la torturó personalmente y fue destinada después al famoso y triste grupo IE 456 after humiliating her in front of their serfs personally tortured and was designed after the famous and sad group (cinco). (five).
Por primera y también por última vez en la Historia de UMMO IE 456 impone a su hijita WIE 1 Hija de OOWA 33 como sucesora suya en el gobierno de UMMO. For the first and last time in the history of IE Ummo 456 places on their daughter OOWA WIE 1 Daughter of 33 as his successor in the government of Ummo. (La historia del padre, OOWA 33, es otro enigma tenebroso en nuestra historia. La versión de sus alaridos telepáticos antes de su asesinato en manos de los policías de IE 456, parece ser una leyenda). (The story of father OOWA 33, is another dark mystery in our history. The version of his telepathic cries before his assassination at the hands of police officers IE 456, appears to be a legend).
( ( ) WIE 1 empieza a regir a sus aterrorizados súbditos a una edad más temprana que su madre, al día siguiente de su misteriosa muerte. ) WIE 1 begins to govern his terrified subjects to a younger age than her mother, the day after his mysterious death. Tenía 12,2 años, y esta vez nadie osó esbozar la más pequeña protesta ante lo que se llamó la UMMOTAEEDA (podría traducirse por “puercracia” o “infantocracia” del Planeta). He was 12.2 years, and this time no one dared to outline the smallest protest against what was called the UMMOTAEEDA (could be translated as "puercracia" or "infantocracia of the Planet).
Pero WIE 1 carece de la grandiosa brillantez de su madre. WIE 1 but lacks the brilliance of his grand mother. Es por el contrario de una vulgar mediocridad, lo que no obsta para que la superara en sadismo e idolatrase su propio cuerpo en un paroxismo de egolatría y narcisismo. It's the opposite of vulgar mediocrity, which is without prejudice to surpass her in sadism and idolize their own body in a paroxysm of egotism and narcissism.
Es en este marco histórico cuando aparece la sublime figura de UMMOWOA It is within this historical context when it appears the sublime figure of UMMOWOA (del que daremos un informe detallado) y con el cual las gentes vuelven de nuevo su pensamiento al auténtico DIOS. (which give a detailed report) and with which people turn their thoughts again to the true God. Aparece por primera vez el culto religioso. It first appears the cult.
Un explosivo puesto al parecer por una de las siervas de WIE 1 en venganza por haberla maltratado, pone fin (tan dramáticamente como en su progenitora) a la vida de la estéril adolescente. An explosive, apparently because one of the servants of WIE 1 in revenge for having mistreated, ends (as dramatically as its parent) to the life of the adolescent sterile.
Cuatro millones, al menos, de víctimas registra nuestra historia durante el fugaz mandato de WIE 1. Four million at least of victims recorded our history during the brief term of WIE 1.
El alivio con que la Humanidad recibió la noticia de la muerte de esta odiada niña, fue seguida por una inmensa reacción de odio hacia todo lo que significase Ciencia. The relief with which mankind received the news of her death she hated, was followed by an overwhelming reaction of hatred towards everything that meant Science. Los maravillosos Laboratorios USADAADAU ardieron en una noche. The wonderful Laboratories USADAADAU burned in one night. Miles de DOROOUIAAIE (especie de fonotecas o bibliotecas donde se conservaban grabaciones acústicas sobre la cultura, y que servían como hoy de textos para el estudio) cientos de Universidades, la Central de OORGAOWI -donde un gigantesco reflector parabólico concentraba energía radiante de Iuma para su análisis-, fueron destrozados por las turbas. Thousands of DOROOUIAAIE (sort of record libraries or libraries where acoustic recordings were stored on culture today, and served as texts for the study) hundreds of Universities, the Central OORGAOWI, where a giant parabolic reflector IUMA concentrated radiant energy for analysis, were destroyed by the mobs. No hubo apenas víctimas, mejor dicho, hubo una inocente: La Ciencia, cuya evolución quedó frenada durante muchos años. There were just victims, rather, was an innocent: Science, whose development was hampered for many years.
Pero en cambio resurgió como una bella columna de oxi-metano ígneo la investigación en el campo de la Filosofía la WOALA OLEASS (TEOLOGÍA) y las investigaciones en torno a las facultades telepáticas ya la Matemática pura. But instead emerged as a beautiful column of igneous oxy-methane research in the field of the WOALA OLEASS Philosophy (Theology) and research about telepathic powers and pure mathematics.
Sufre también una profunda transformación la Sociedad de UMMO. Undergoes a profound transformation Ummo Society. La terrible experiencia sufrida con la autocracia, induce a reestructurar el Gobierno de nuestro Planeta. The ordeal suffered with autocracy induces restructuring of the Government of our planet. Aparece la Policracia en forma del UMMOAELEWE Appears in the form of UMMOAELEWE polycracy (CONSEJO GENERAL DE UMMO) que aun subsiste en nuestro tiempo con ligeras modificaciones. (General Council Ummo) that still persists in our time with slight modifications.
Cuatro miembros son elegidos entre los ciudadanos de UMMO sin discriminación de edad, o sexo. Four members are elected from Ummo citizens regardless of age, or sex.
A todos los hombres y mujeres adolescentes se nos valoran psicotécnicamente nuestras facultades mentales. All men and women we assessed adolescent psycho our mental faculties. Inteligencia, aptitudes e intereses, factor de raciocinio, percepción espacial, nivel de expresión verbal-telepática, potencia de irradiación, equilibrio psicosexual, gradación afectiva, posibles reacciones psicopatológicas, y coeficiente de sugestión, son valoradas por medio del análisis de los trenes de ondas cerebrales (un método mucho más perfeccionado que sus actuales electroencefalogramas). Intelligence, aptitudes and interests, a factor of reasoning, spatial perception, verbal expression level telepathic power of radiation balance psychosexual, emotional gradation, possible psychopathological reactions, and coefficient of suggestion, have been appreciated through analysis of the wave trains brain (a much more refined than its current electroencephalograms).
Se seleccionan en total 120 niños de 13,65 años de edad como las más brillantes y equilibradas estructuras cerebrales de la Humanidad (ni un solo ciudadano infantil puede librarse del análisis). Are selected in total 120 children of 13.65 years of age as the most brilliant and balanced brain structures of Humanity (not a single citizen child can escape the analysis).
A todos ellos se les educa cuidadosamente (la proporción actual es de un 76,66% varones y 23, 33% hembras) durante varios años, pues de entre ellos se han de elegir los cuatro EYAOLOOWA cuyas características psicofísicas ofrezcan el más elevado nivel de idoneidad, pues integrarán el UMMOAELEWE que rige nuestro destino durante 64 años. All of them are educated carefully (the current ratio is 76.66% of males and 23 females 33%) for several years because of them be elected four psychophysical characteristics EYAOLOOWA offer the highest level of suitability, then serve on the governing UMMOAELEWE our fate for 64 years.
Ninguno de los cuatro EYAOLOOWAO puede exceder en atribuciones autoritarias a sus tres camaradas. None of the four EYAOLOOWAO authoritarian powers can exceed their three comrades. Si se observara la más mínima descompensación, predominio mental o sugestivo de cualquier miembro, el UMMOAELEWEANI Looking at the slightest decompensation, suggesting predominantly mental or any member the UMMOAELEWEANI SUBCONSEJO integrado por 116 miembros goza de la facultad de disolver el UMMOAELEWE y nombrar otro nuevo. Subcouncil composed of 116 members has the power to dissolve and appoint a new UMMOAELEWE.
El resto de los humanos de UMMO obtenemos una calificación que se traduce en unos coeficientes o índices, constituyendo nuestro UMMOGAIAO DA (fórmula de identidad). The rest of the humans get a grade Ummo resulting in coefficients or indices, constituting our UMMOGAIAO DA (formula ID). Pueden interpretarlo ustedes como una especie de huella digital analítica, que refleja nuestra personalidad fisiológico-mental. You can interpret it as a kind of analytical fingerprint, reflecting physiological-mental personality.
Nuestra educación o formación ha de adecuarse luego a esta UMMOGAIAO DA. Our education or training must conform to this UMMOGAIAO then DA. De ese modo, el individuo cuya estructura cerebral refleja una marcada predisposición hacia las facultades de abstracción y raciocinio lógico, se le orienta hacia el ONAWO WUA (especie de Universidad para el estudio de las Matemáticas). Thus, the individual whose brain structure reflects a strong bias towards the powers of abstraction and logical reasoning, is oriented toward the Onawa WUA (sort of university for the study of mathematics).
Claro está que ese hombre goza de libertad para dedicarse por ejemplo, al OEUDEEE (Biopatología), pero entonces nuestro UMMOGAIAO DA (coeficiente profesional) en función del cual se remunera nuestro trabajo, sería inferior en grado sumo. Of course, that man is free to engage for example, OEUDEEE (Biopathology), but then our UMMOGAIAO DA (professional rate) depending on which our work is unpaid, would be lower degree. Así conseguimos que cada uno ocupe en nuestra sociedad el puesto que le corresponde por sus aptitudes psicosomáticas sin ser forzado por ningún régimen tiránico, o impulsado por su egoísmo personal o privilegios de nacimiento. So we get that each occupies in our society that they deserve for their skills psychosomatic without being forced by any tyrannical regime, or driven by personal selfishness or privileges of birth.
La remuneración para cada ser de UMMO está siempre en función de su rendimiento personal y de su coeficiente profesional, estableciéndose una simple razón o coeficiente para evaluarla: The remuneration for each be Ummo is always based on personal performance and their professional rate, establishing a simple reason or coefficient to evaluate:
siendo A la remuneración, B el rendimiento y C la valoración del individuo. where A is the remuneration, B, and C performance assessment of the individual. Obsérvese que un individuo cuyo coeficiente profesional sea elevado (es decir: muy inteligente, elevada motricidad muscular, etc.) deberá rendir también mucho para obtener la misma remuneración que otro de bajo coeficiente. Note that an individual whose professional ratio is high (ie: highly intelligent, highly muscular motor, etc..) Must pay too much to get the same pay as other low coefficient. (A, B y C son parámetros bastante complicados para expresarlos aquí). (A, B and C are parameters to express quite complicated here). Puede pues ocurrir y de hecho es bastante frecuente, que un alto Director de comunicaciones sea remunerado en la misma categoría y cuantía que un simple operador de extractores de glucosa. Can it happen and it's actually quite common, a senior communications director is remunerated in the same category and amount as a single operator extraction of glucose. Puede esto parecerles raro a ustedes y argumentar que entonces el Director podía dedicarse a extraer glucosa, que sería más cómodo. Can this seem odd to you and then argue that the Director can be dedicated to extract glucose, which would be more comfortable. De acuerdo, el Director de nuestro ejemplo extraería tanta glucosa como aquel, pero como en cambio su coeficiente profesional sería más alto (pues sus aptitudes no están de acuerdo con esa profesión) si examinan la fórmula observarán que A es inversamente proporcional a dicho coeficiente, y su remuneración será ínfima. Granted, the Director of our example would draw much glucose as that, but as professional change its coefficient would be higher (because their skills do not agree with that profession) if you examine the formula observe that A is inversely proportional to the coefficient, and their remuneration will be negligible.
Hemos conseguido así neutralizar los privilegios de clase que en los primeros tiempos de UMMO causaron muchos más estragos que entre los hombres de la Tierra. We managed to neutralize the privileges of class that in the early days of Ummo caused much more damage than men of the earth.
Más no entiendan que esta remuneración que percibimos por nuestro trabajo dentro de la grandiosa Planificación de UMMO se valora en forma de moneda. Most do not understand that being paid for our work within the grand Ummo Planning is valued as currency. Una de las cosas que más nos han sorprendido de ustedes, es la curiosa institución del dinero y las artificiosas maneras de respaldar su valor. One of the things that most of you have surprised us, is the curious institution of money and contrived ways to support its value.
Nuestros conceptos actuales sobre la Génesis del Cosmos, al contrario que en el Planeta Tierra, están avalados más por la rigurosa argumentación científica que por la especulación filosófica. Our current thinking on the Genesis of the Cosmos, in contrast to Planet Earth, most are supported by rigorous scientific argument for philosophical speculation.
Ofrece gran dificultad traducir las expresiones de nuestro len guaje cultural, pues su constelación de significados es muy distinto al complejo de equivalencias Terrestres. Great difficulty translating the expressions of our cultural gourd len, as its constellation of meanings is very different from complex terrestrial counterparts. Por ejemplo: Nosotros expresamos con el fonema AIOOYA el verbo de ustedes “EXISTIR, SER” pero su real significado para nosotros tiene distintos matices For example: We expressed with the sound of you AIOOYA the verb "exist, to be" but its real meaning for us has different shades
Así consideramos que AIOOYA O (existe) el Cosmos, un virus o el gas helio. We consider that AIOOYA O (there) the Cosmos, a virus or helium gas.
En cambio expresamos que: AIOOYA AMIEE: (no existen) la belleza el alma o WOA Instead we stated that: AIOOYA Amie: (no) beauty the soul or WOA
¿Cómo se entiende eso? How do you understand that? Es sencillo: aplicamos el verbo “Existir” a lo que es dimensional (afectado de tiempo o espacio) y “no existir” a lo adimensional como pueda ser la Inteligencia o la alegría. It's simple: we apply the verb "exist" to what is dimensional (affected by time or space) and "absence" to what can be dimensionless as intelligence or happiness. A la NADA le asignamos un verbo que no tiene significado para ustedes AIOYAYEDOO. To nothing we assign a word that has no meaning for you AIOYAYEDOO.
Sin embargo, para evitar confusiones, cuando empleemos de ahora en adelante la expresión EXISTIR le asignaremos el significado que encierra para ustedes, operando igual para otros vocablos de ambigua interpretación. However, to avoid confusion, when we employ from now on we will assign the expression exists in the meaning it holds for you, operating the same for other words of ambiguous interpretation.
Hoy sabemos que no existe un Cosmos solo (el nuestro) sino infinito número de pares de Universos. Today we know that there is no single Cosmos (ours) but infinite number of pairs of universes. Existe pues también la dualidad en la génesis cosmológica. There is therefore also the duality in cosmological genesis. La diferencia entre los elementos A y B de cada pareja estriba en que sus estructuras atómicas respectivas difieren en el signo de la carga eléctrica (Ustedes lo llaman incorrectamente, Materia y antimateria) The difference between A and B elements of each pair is that their respective atomic structures differ in the sign of electric charge (You call it incorrectly, matter and antimatter)
Por ejemplo: Nuestro Cosmos gemelo existe también pero: For example: Our Cosmos twin but there is also:
1º En sus átomos, la corteza está formada por electrones positivos (positrones) orbitales, y su núcleo por antiprotones. 1 In its atoms, the crust is formed by positive electrons (positrons) orbitals, and its core by antiprotons.
2º Jamás podrán ponerse en contacto ambos Cosmos y tampoco tiene sentido creer que pueden superponerse puesto que no los separan relaciones dimensionales (Es decir: No tiene sentido expresar que los separan tantos años luz o que su existencia es simultánea en el tiempo) Never 2nd may contact both Cosmos and it makes no sense to believe they can overlap since no dimensional relations between them (ie: It makes no sense to say that so many light years separate them or that their existence is simultaneous in time)
3º Ambos Cosmos gemelos poseen la misma masa y el mismo Radio correspondiente a una Hiperesfera de curvatura negativa. Cosmos 3rd Both twins have the same mass and same radius corresponding to a hypersphere of negative curvature.
4º Pero los dos Universos gemelos gozan de singularidades distintas (Expresado de otro modo: En nuestro Cosmos gemelo, no existe el mismo Nº de Galaxias, ni las allí están integradas poseen la misma estructura) No existe pues otro UMMO gemelo u otra Tierra gemela como podría sugestivamente sospecharse. 4th Universes But both twins have different singularities (Put another way: In our twin cosmos, there is the same Number of Galaxies, there are integrated nor have the same structure) So there is another Earth Ummo twin sister or another as could suggestively suspected. Esta última conclusión no es hipotética y más adelante indicaremos la razón. This conclusion is not hypothetical and further indicate the reason.
5º Ambos Cosmos fueron creados simultáneamente como explicamos después, más sus flechas de tiempo no tienen por qué estar orientadas en el mismo sentido. Cosmos 5 º Both were created simultaneously as explained later, more arrows of time need not be oriented in the same direction. Es decir: carece de lógica expresar que ese Cosmos coexiste con el nuestro en el tiempo, o que existió antes o existirá después. That is, illogical Cosmos express that coexists with ours in time, or that existed before or will exist after. Solo será ortodoxo decir simplemente que EXISTE pero no Ahora, Antes o Después. Only orthodox will say simply that it exists but not now, sooner or later. En cambio su intervalo de evolución será paralelo e igual al nuestro. In contrast, his range of developments will be parallel and equal to ours. Pondremos un ejemplo ficticio: Supongamos que un hombre de otro Planeta en Nuestro Cosmos gemelo vive eternamente. We will put a fictitious example: Suppose a man from another planet in our cosmos twin lives forever. Sí mide en su reloj el tiempo que transcurre desde que nace su Universo hasta que se convierte en un torbellino de radiación ese tiempo será igual al nuestro. Yes measured in clock time elapsed from birth until the universe becomes a whirlwind of radiation that time will be like ours.
Lo mismo podíamos razonar para las infinitas parejas de Cosmos que existen en el WAAMWAAM (Pluricosmos). The same could argue for the infinite pairs that exist in the Cosmos WAAMWAAM (Pluricosmos). Observemos que la imagen del Pluricosmos no puede semejarse a un Universo. Note that image may not resemble Pluricosmos a Universe. En este, las Galaxias se desplazan como islas flotantes en un inmenso mar. In this, the galaxies move as floating islands in a vast sea. Solo que ese mar es una esfera de múltiples dimensiones, pero al menos puede hablarse de distancias intergalácticas y hasta de gases que llenan los espacios intergalácticos. Only that this sea is an area of multiple dimensions, but at least we can speak of intergalactic distances, and even gases that fill intergalactic space. En cambio es mucho más difícil imaginar el WAAN-WAAM pues las parejas de cosmos están sumergidas en la Nada. Instead it is much harder to imagine the Waan-WAAM cosmos as domestic partners are immersed in the Nothing. Es inútil imaginar que existen distancias o que estas distancias son nulas tal imagen será ilusoria, más hay algo que estremeció a nuestros científicos cuando lo descubrieron. It is useless to imagine that there are distances and that these distances are zero, this image is illusory, there is something more shocked when I discovered our scientists. Nuestro Cosmos Gemelo ejerce su influencia sobre el nuestro aunque no lo ligan relaciones de espacio-tiempo. Our Cosmos Twin exerts its influence on our relations linking it or not space-time. Gracias al análisis de esa influencia hemos podido intuir la existencia del otro Universo como ustedes con un sencillo receptor de Televisión adivinan el paso de un coche por la interferencia que interceptan. Through its analysis of the influence we could infer the existence of another universe like you with a simple TV receiver guesses the passage of a car intercepted by the interference. Por supuesto nuestro Cosmos debe influir sobre el otro de forma parecida. Of course our Cosmos should influence another similarly. La asimetría de esta influencia es lo que nos ha revelado que ese Cosmos tiene otra distribución de Galaxias. The asymmetry of this influence is what has revealed that the Cosmos has a different distribution of galaxies.
WOA (DIOS) existe: (Con el significado que atribuyen ustedes al verbo existir). WOA (God) exists: (With the meaning that you attach to the verb exist).
Es pueril expresar que existe desde la eternidad o que se encuentra entre nosotros o en todas partes pues WOA (Generador como lo llamamos nosotros o Dios como lo denominan en la Tierra) es ADIMENSIONAL (no tiene anchura ni altura ni tiempo). It is childish to say that is from eternity and that is with us or anywhere for WOA (as we call generator and call it God on Earth) is dimensionless (has no width or height or time). No es susceptible de ser expresado por ejemplo por un complejo de tensores o un sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales o medir sus características con aparatos de precisión. It is capable of being expressed for example by a complex tensor or a system of differential equations or measuring their characteristics with precision instruments.
La esencia de WOA no sufre evolución alguna. The essence of WOA does not undergo any changes. Es esta misma esencia la que comprende la posibilidad de la idea DIMENSIÓN más esta DIMENSIONALIDAD no puede afectar a su ser como un atributo intimo pues la dimensionalidad lleva aparejada la mutabilidad y WOA no podría imponerse a si mismo, cambios y por lo tanto limitaciones. It is this very essence that includes the possibility of more this idea DIMENSION DIMENSIONAL can not affect its being as intimate as an attribute dimensionality goes the mutability and WOA could not impose himself, and therefore change limitations.
Mas las ideas de WOA han de poseer realidad, ha de ser generada siempre que no sea incompatible con la íntima esencia de WOA. But the ideas of WOA acquired by reality, must be generated whenever it is not incompatible with the very essence of WOA. (Por ejemplo, la idea de autodestrucción existe en él pero no puede ser generada). (For example, the idea of self-destruction exists in it but can not be generated).
Estas generaciones de sus ideas serán como una excrescencia de (su Ser) algo que (existe fuera) de él (aunque aquí: “FUERA” no tiene interpretación espacial). These generations of their ideas will be as an outgrowth of (his Self) something (there was) of it (but here: "OUT" has no spatial interpretation). Esta excrescencia coexiste con WOA y dependerá totalmente de EL. This excrescence coexists with WOA and depend entirely on EL.
¿Cuantas excrecencias o realidades existen? How many excrescences or realities are there? La respuesta es sencilla. The answer is simple. TANTAS COMO IDEAS NO INCOMPATIBLES COEXISTEN EN LA MENTE DE WOA. HOW MANY IDEAS NOT INCOMPATIBLE MINDS coexist in the WOA. Si la idea de un Universo hiperesférico repleto de Galaxias existe en su mente, tal Universo se realiza (y en este único caso nosotros tenemos plena conciencia de su existencia por estar integrados en él). If the idea of a universe filled with galaxies Hyperspherical on his mind, that universe is made (and in this one case we are well aware of its existence by being integrated into it). Si la idea de un Cosmos bidimensional independiente del tiempo fuera compatible, podemos tener la seguridad de que tal Cosmos existe en OTRA PARTE. If the idea of a Cosmos-dimensional time-independent, consistent, can we be sure that this exists elsewhere Cosmos. Si nosotros tenemos determinada organización celular, no creamos que tal estructura sea la única idónea. If we have specific cellular organization, we do not believe that such a structure is the only ideal. Lo podrá ser de acuerdo, para este Universo en el que rigen una serie de leyes biológicas inalterables desde el punto de vista estadístico. It may be according to this universe in which a series of laws governing biological unchanged from the statistical viewpoint. Pero en otra pareja de Cosmos podrán darse casos de seres vivos cuya íntima composición sea el silicio o cuyos átomos posean diferente estructura. But in another couple of Cosmos may be cases of living beings whose inner composition is silicon or whose atoms have different structure. Más jamás nos será dado a los seres de este Universo, comprobar esta hipótesis mientras estemos viviendo en él envueltos en nuestro cuerpo físico tetradimensional. Most never will be given to the beings of this universe, we test this hypothesis while living in it wrapped in four-dimensional physical body.
El análisis de la fase actual de nuestro Universo nos revela como fue generado por WOA. The analysis of the current phase of our universe shows itself was generated by WOA.
Nuestro COSMOS es lo que ustedes denominan un continuo espacio-tiempo (Nosotros hemos necesitado para definirlo matemáticamente diez dimensiones). Our COSMOS is what you call a space-time continuum (We need to define mathematically ten dimensions). Podríamos especular atribuyéndole infinitas dimensiones pero por ahora no estamos en condiciones de probarlo. We could speculate attributing infinite dimensions but for now we are not able to prove it.
De estas diez dimensiones, tres son perceptibles por nuestros órganos sensoriales, y una cuarta, -el TIEMPO- la percibimos psicosomáticamente como un fluir continuo en un sentido único al que denominamos UIWIUTAA (algo así como flecha o sentido orientado del tiempo). Of these ten dimensions, three are detectable by our sensory organs, and a fourth-TIME-psychosomatically perceive as a continuous flow in one direction only which we call UIWIUTAA (something like arrow or oriented sense of time).
At first the two cosmos: WAAM (ours) and UWAAM (our twin) were defined by a WAAMIAAYO (difficult to translate: Something as well as a point or origin of a single coordinate, that would be indeed the TIME).
WOA is generating successively the rest of the dimensions (but it is not interpreted this “successively” like temporary or space succession) but a ordinal relation ácrona (that is: ordinate outside the time). In the images that we included we wished to crudely represent although these phases of the GENERATION or CREATION.
(The images are crude because it is impossible to lock up in a graphism drawn up on a paper, more than three dimensions).
You can imagine that our primitive BICOSMOS, resembled more a small empty sphere. A tiny universe without Galaxies, intergalactic gases, space only existing in the time.
WOA curves this space time and time again. Each new curvature supposes a dimension and “it wrinkles finally it”. Obsérvese that we are using a resemblance, a symbol, because mathematically we could only express the previous thing with genuine correction. For example: the expression “to wrinkle the space” seems infantiloide but she is very didactic.
With a new image we will try to make us include/understand.
If space we curved a three-dimensional it, we wrinkled, or we make a species of hole as they see in the figure, through one fourth dimension, this curvature is the one that our sensorial organs will interpret like a MASS (a stone, a Planet, a Galaxy).
Then. WOA extorts that one, microcosm generating therefore the mass. Nothing less than almost all the present mass of our two twin Universes, concentrated in a greatly reduced space. Something as well as all the carbonated water of UMMO locked up in my fist. Matter and antimatter as call you it, superconcentrated.
One double EXPLOSIÓN-IMPLOSIÓN takes place then. By the IMPLOSION positive matter and antimatter, that is to say, atoms and negative atoms others without never being are attracted a con violently. Two Universes, WAAM and UWAAM are two sets that never will be able to be so that they do not separate space relations to them.
So that when tenth that is attracted, the verb “to attract” must be interpreted as “they are interinfluenced”.
On the other hand we indicated that an explosion was realised. Indeed: The immense mass of each Cosmos fragments in particles, and these brutally expelled fragments make million years, constitute present Nebulas or Galaxies, that move today with almost” constant speed “.
Obsérvese that we emphasized that “ALMOST” in a while in which the astronomers of you you judge that the speed has to be CONSTANT or UNIFORM being based on two false reasonings:
(a) The displacement of the bands of the phantom, in the observed Galaxies, CONSTANT and is oriented towards the RED one.
(b) It seems logical to think that if the Nebulas are not driven by a Field of Forces because they come from an initial burst of the Universe, by inertia move with Speed (2) uniform.
Plus both premises they are false and ingenuous:
(a) Their measuring instruments are little necessary then otherwise had observed that the landslide of the bands towards the Red one, is not constant but nonsinusoidal a periodic function of almost imperceptible but appraisable average amplitude.
(b) You have not considered that our twin Cosmos exerts an influence on our Galaxies. Indeed in UMMO as we indicated before, there are shortage to UWAAM starting off of these interferences. This interaction prevents that our Nebulas move with speed 2 uniform (speed 2 = acceleration).
For this reason, the measurement that you do of the age of the Universe is inexact, since speed 2 uses like parameters this pseudo present constant of the Galaxies and its evaluated distance to the Earth, with the aggravating one of which although now speed 2 is almost constant, in the first times of the creation, the acceleration (sinusoidal function) got to have an enormous amplitude.
What will be the twin aim of both Cosmos? Still considering that WOA continues creating matter within each cosmos, the degradation of mass in energy is much more fast. It will arrive a little while in which both Universal they were now reduced to a continuous hyperspherical ESPACIO-TIEMPO of negative radio but of infinite magnitude. Without concentration of masses, that is to say Galaxies, that is to say: without curvatures or “wrinkles”. Only a continuous and isotropic propagation of radiations with the same frequency since by then the multiple sinusoidal functions generated by WOA will have been put in phase and will have stopped taking place those standing waves, those nodes and crests that our ingenuous senses respectively interpret by “EMPTINESSES” and “MASSES”. There will only be the Ocean of waves whose amplitude wrath decreasing until the final death of the Cosmic pair.
But if in UMMO we have brings back to consciousness certain of this creation how it is going to prosper between us ATHEISM…? If the Universe were eternal already it would have died.
We know that for our Universe, they govern basic laws biogenetics that regulate the structure and evolution of all the BAAYIODOOUII (FAUNA-FLORA) of this Cosmos or our binocular UWWAN.
Multiple structures of an alive being can occur and in fact in our laboratories, doing to affect nucleic acids of an ovum without fertilizing, a quantified beam OUSEIOSAA (neutron unloadings that controlled by an artificial gravitational field since these corpuscles do not react before one electrostatic one, can be oriented one by one towards a “infinitely small movable target”) we have obtained thousands, different alive beings by means of these severely controlled MUTATIONS.
But the number of living beings is not infinite since the MIIBAYEAAO (called by you impropiamente GENETIC CODE) not for being pluriforme it stops having his limitations.
Meaning that if you imagine to a venusiano like a greenish, provided monster of great eyes and lengths and viscous tentacles, they will commit two ingenuous errors:
To judge puerile that its Venus Planet is populated by pluricellular beings and to think that the Universe is populated by all class of rare engendros.
We analyze then the man as TO BE ISOLATED although such organization she is utopian since the man is fused intimately to everything what he surrounds to him.
We considered that the HUMAN is trained by four integrated factors whose association is necessary so that the alive man.
BUUAWE BIAEI (We could translate it by collective soul although such definition suffers from serious deficiencies).
BUUAWAA (soul) (Whose concept surprising agrees with the one of the present Theology of the Catholic-Roman Religion of the Planet Earth).
OEMBUUAM (Factor of connection between soul and OEMII that has not been shortage by you, in spite of being locatable on the encephalic mass).
OEMII Considered human body in its ten dimensions. (Three that defines their volume, six that expresses their MASS and one that our propioceptores organs value like TIME).
WOA (GENERATING or GOD as you denominate) between its infinite congenital ideas, that is to say that they coexist with his essence, the one of a BEING imagines who lacking Dimensions (VOLUME, TIME, etc.) is not as well able to generate other BEINGS but ideas. This spirit logically has to own freedom. (Obsérvese that if the first postulate attributable to him were not authorized with this prerogative - FREEDOM:
it would be incompatible since when lacking freedom, the IDEAS it would be necessary to attribute them to WOA. On the other hand it is evident that such Being could not generate other beings. Then constituiria in a WOA duplicate (WOA cannot generate such BEING).
We have said that all COMPATIBLE IDEA of WOA has TO BE GENERATED. Soon: At the same time as the creation of the WAAM east SPIRIT was generated.
A serious objection could be against to the nature of BUAWE BIAEI If this spirit generates ideas unique, products of unique Conciencia, will not be in spite of all resemblance to WOA? Even: Would not finish such ideas materializing themselves, to excrete itself…?
That objection is unwarranted since indeed BUAWE BIAEI owns an enormous multiplicity of you bring back to consciousness, each as well susceptible to generate poliformes and contradictory ideas. To those we denominated you bring back to consciousness them:
337. BUUAWAA (called by the Terrestrial SOULS).
At heart, the animistic theories of you you are in agreement with the concept in UMMO of the BUUAWAA, especially the modern scientist-theological specialists of the Roman Catholic Church and almost all the thinkers of the Christian Evangelical Churches. The Souls own OWN ORGANIZATION, they are ADIMENSIONALES enjoy freedom to generate IDEAS POLIFORMES AND CONTRADICTORIES (If it were not thus would have the same essence that WOA) and that same FREEDOM extends to being able to control to the OEMII (human body) and through him the BEINGS of the WAAM.
The unique difference is based in which we considered that such BUUAWAA are integrated and interrelated in that collective Spirit BUAWE BIAEI. (You can imagine like terrestrial resemblance a jar of syrup cherries: The example is crude since such fruits own volume, but the sour cherries would represent the BUUAWAA, the rind of the fruit: OEMII (CUERPO HUMANO) and the syrup: BUUAWE BIAEI. the symbolic breakage of that rind, by a single point will represent for example the telepathic transmission…
Not to accept you it existence of BUUAWE BIAIE cannot the terrestrial scientists (Psychologists) explain phenomena such as the Collective Psychology or of the Masses, the phenomena of Hypnosis and suggestion, certain states of catalepsy, the telepathic communications, mediúmnicos phenomena bad called and other many manifestations denominated by TERRESTRIAL ones: parapsicológicas manifestations.
A question seems to prevail: How many BUUAWAA or you bring back to consciousness independent owns BUUAWE BIAEI? The answer is simple: So many corno men exist in our Planet. (Obsérvese that would be puerile to ask if the SOULS existed before being born the BODY since the adverb “BEFORE” implies TEMPORALITY and the time does not exist for the ADIMENSIONAL BUUAWAA).
You Terrestrial them do not seem that they have very clear ideas on the essence of the BUUAWAA. It has brought about throughout History a series of ingenuous speculative controversies that still does not seem are declining. How they do not love the catholic theologians that the Dialectic Materialism of the Marxist Philosophy, has finished committing the pardonable aberration of not accepting the existence of the soul like adimensional organization, if the same Scholastic Philosophy abused times back, in attributing to the spirit a series of factors that in fact are purely somatic? If instead of to lose you in interminable speculations, had held fast more in the genuine scientific methods, those apparent contradictions between the then concepts of DIOS (WOA) or SPIRIT and call by you would not have arisen in the Planet Earth “SCIENCE”. Between the scientists of you as soon as you have drawn us attention more than three conceptistas than of course approach something our cultural level in some points: Mathematician-Physical Albert Einstein, anthropologist-Cosmologist catholic Priest Teilhard de Chardin and Physical-Cosmologist Sir A.S. Eddington. We mentioned if them, is because they are the unique ones that has contributed to the UMMO scientists some few Points to us that we did not know.
Our BUUAWEAA owns brings back to consciousness more we do not identify this BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS with the CONSCIENCE of the OEMII. We will explain this, describing what it happens in our body when we watched for example the image of a triangle. We will illustrate the process by means of crude images drawn up with the aid of terrestrial pencils with colored mines.
A lamina B in which there is drawn a white triangle on black bottom, a beam (red) of IBOAAIA OU affects (quantified Fragments of energy, with undulatory-corpuscular characteristic) that you denominate LIGHT vulgarly. The black zones of the engraving are it because their atoms absorb this energy taking place alterations in their cortical orbits. However the white triangle reflects this energy (luminous) since their atoms of different orbital structure do not admit by resonance the frequencies of the IBOAAIA OU (that are included/understood between 4, 15 · 1014 and 7, 6 · 1014 cycles per second approximately. This means that only a fraction of the Energy that arrived at the stamp is reflected in a beam that can affect the retina.
Our eyes then, catch the reflected luminous image, by means of cells BOIYUIYOE EBEE (CONOS) Each one of as hardly if it absorbs a few IBOAAIA OU. It is here where the first transformation of the energy takes place. The call by you LIGHT brings about in these small nervous organs an impulse of electrical characteristics that propagate throughout the neurons of the optical Nerve.
We observe that the image is had decomposed in million elementary impulses. No longer a sequence, of CODED PULSES exists such triangle but that are transmitted in a certain order, As if the stones of a great terrestrial temple were disassembled and invoiced after them to have numbered to recompose them later, of a great trip.
The optical Nerve (violet) transmits these impulses after taking place one first WOO EDUU (synapse) in YAAESIOO BUEA(geniculated body lateral of the Thalamus) to the UNIIEAYAAEBU (crust occipital).
The Earth scientists seem to ignore what it happens as of the moment in which such nervous impulses activate the UNIIEAYAAEBU.
Now: We will make a summary of the report we have sent to two Japanese specialists.
The neurons of this last afferent route, sinapsan each to two nervous fibers as well. YAAIODEE (Verde) and YAAIOSUU BIIO (blue). Said of a simple way: Each nervous impulse that represents a point of the triangle is transmitted simultaneously by two routes as if one of its operators sent a same message to two correspondents.
The impulses of route YAAIODEE (green) operate on the organ of the MEMORY, whose operation you seem to ignore. The image symbolizes to BIEYAEYUEO DOO (drawn of ocher color) is a spiral of a chain of polypeptides, in which the main paper plays Nitrogen atoms, associated. Each atom N is able to alter the orbital quantum state, storing to two impulses or BITS. In a word: the million impulses that constitute the images that we caught with the eyes, are stored codified previously and with a sequential order, in that spiral of BIEYAEYUEO DOO as if it was a magnetic tape, or to be exact in this case, tape of a magnetoscope (Apparatus invented by you to record the programs of Television).
There is in addition the most important factor in this helical chain, One second free gas atom chain HELIUM act like transmitters and receivers, connecting directly the MEMORY with the OEMBUUAW (third factor of the Man) and represented in the IMAGE with color (yellow)
We have represented in the IMAGE the field of ESEE OA (CONSCIENCIA) with a circle (blue clearly) One second via: YAAIOSU BIIO (blue) carries the impulses to a second nucleus of OEMBUUAW
(yellow) that transmits as well to the SOUL (field of the CONSCIENCE (blue clearly).
What forms present/display these impulses that codify the image of the primitive triangle? As well as the stones ordinates numerically, of our bridge are not looked in anything like the initial construction, seems either that this series of BITS is faithful reflection of the triangle
a periodic function in the form of square wave is what to sum up it catches our BUUAWAA (ALMA) in his ESEE OA (CONSCIENCIA) IMAGE D.
You imagine an architect whose eidética capacity is like a to receive ordenadamente those numbered stones, very instantaneously imagines the Bridge integrated that them… That same one obtains our BUUAWA to it: When catching that square wave train dreams up in its Conscience (blue Circle of IMAGE B) the idea of a white triangle on black bottom. But as it knows that one is a triangle? IMAGE B symbolizes the explanation again to us. Obsérvese that to the field of the conscience two messages flow. One the one that we finished directly describing originating of the EYE (expressed nervous routes with (violet and blue) Another one coming from the MEMORY (ocher) by the route symbolized with color (orange).
What is this I complete message coming from BIEYAEYU EO DO (MEMORIA)? simply another square wave train that represents the codification of the image of an equilateral triangle as they taught it to us in our childhood, image that was conserved in the memory from those distant years.
It is in the field of the CONSCIENCE where both images are compared and identified the triangle like so. If this last connection with the memory failed, we would only appreciate a single image, the originating one of the eye, but it would be to us strange, as if we had seen never it, to this we denominated it anomaly in Psychopathology YAEYUEYEDOO (AMNESIA OF FIJACION).
This explanation can seem to them; if you are not Physiologists, excessively technical, we have expressed although it with ingenuous descriptions. We advise they study even though it carefully to include/understand better, for you the mysterious enigma of the union of the BODY AND the SOUL that we will describe more ahead.
Deliberately we have left without concluding the enumeration of the faculties of BUUAWAA (ALMA) and even left for later the definition of for you stranger OEMBUUAN (third factor of the man) since before we have to offer our concept them of the OEEMII.
In the continuous ESPACIO-TIEMPO (as the Earth Physicists incorrectly denominate something) the human body is a “wrinkle” more of the SPACE, a depression through one fourth dimension, that we can define mathematically with ten dimensions. A MASS to sum up, with associate Volume and Time. It cannot be conceived to the dissociated time of the other magnitudes.
The men with little scientific formation, judge to the man like a being of three dimensions (volume) living diverse events in flowing of the time. For him, the unique reality only exists the memory of past events is the present, and the future it does not exist still… Such conception of the world is been mistaken and puerile.
They imagine distributed throughout an axis that represents the dimension TIME the diverse situations (EVENTS) that have lived, a man throughout his LIFE lives and will live
Each situation has been associate a DATE Then (IMAGE F): The space and the time are associate so closely, that if we united in a same graphical expression, a single image, all those situations or events that the man throughout his life lives, we obtain a stranger TO BE of four dimensions (volume + time) similar a
an enormous OEBUMAEI (buttery and sweet Species of “churro” or “inserted”, whose section represents a doll when dividing it in lonchas, and that is very appreciated in the AADAAADA region (UMMO).
To this tetradimensional being the UMMO cosmologists call, OEBUMAEOEMII (IMAGE G).
What represents a cut or section of this OEBUMAEOEEMII? Simply an event del that our body is protagonist. Such event is an illusion, a fiction, like fiction would be to imagine one loncha of one of those inlays, that could not be cut, to form the set an ALL inviolable one.
Perhaps you will say: That concept is a mere philosophical speculation! My it brings back to consciousness dictates to me that I lived such events without saw after or in front of me that gigantic BUMAEOEMII…!
Nevertheless one is not a mere hypothesis formulated by some thinking eccentric of UMMO. The same physicists of their planet intuit this concept before we arrived here and for our scientists, is so familiar and certain the concept as for you the design of an airplane.
A simple resemblance will help them to include/understand this. A long corridor or serpenteante tunnel imagines on a leafy and ample garden, extended, constructed entirely of plastic or transparent glass, throughout which they have get ready movable, equipment etc.
This great tunnel would represent the OEBUMAEOEMII.
A man (Our Conscience) is crossing from the origin the winding runner. He is at night, and he carries a lantern. During its continuous one to walk, is illuminating the accumulated objects in the corridor and, as the walls are transparent, it even can contemplate illuminated with the weak light of his lamp, some sectors of the Garden near the point through where it happens at that time.
Other times, in his pilgrimage by the tunnel, he directs the light beam towards outside, where other tunnels with their pilgrim armed of lantern happen through the environs of the Garden. (other HOMBRE-SUCESO).
The tunnel and the Garden already existed from their generation. When the traveller thinks that what then is focusing with its lantern, (PRESENT) he finishes generating in that moment, or that or seen (Past) has stopped EXISTING or that those furniture that side not yet exists (Future) She is not victim of an innocent illusion.?
When this concept of the OEBUMAEOEEMIII began to outline itself in UMMO (Still before it was devoted to him as scientific truth) arose philosophical Doctrina (nonscientist) heterodox.
Son of IM is IM 42 41 born in DOOYUIIABII the one that maintains the Theory that s i WOA creates to l man like OEBUMAEOEMII (that is, with the associate dimension time) its acts or events are mere illusions (Up to here it is certain as we suggested in the preceding section) and therefore, the CONDUCT throughout the LIFE (life or intimately fused time in one go to the body) “logically” IS PREDETERMINED.
We will not be then responsible before WOA by the apparent transgressions to LEY MORAL (UAA) for UMMOWOA.
The UMYAE (Freedom of the man to act on means and to control it) would be a mere fiction.
In case it was still a endeble argument, the scientific development of those years seemed to reinforce this speculation with new bases.
Indeed: If all the physical events are in force by “implacable” laws (the statistical character of such laws was still unknown) imposed by WOA to WAAM (Universo), the biological structures of the BAYIODUII (joint of animal and plants) will have also to be conditioned by inflexible biological laws.
The previous doctrine is completely false, and it has collapsed against new irrefutable arguments (we have observed that in the Earth are many those that maintain still such thesis, although it is explicable when lacking you scientific bases to condemn it).
We return now to the description of the BUAWAA (individual spirit).
Our soul we know that it has PERSONALITY or OWN ORGANIZATION. We explained then that BUAWEI BIAEI (collective soul) owns so many you bring back to consciousness associated corno men exist, just as a pure Carbon polyhedron generates manifolds sparkles.
The BUUAWEA does not own memory, nor is able to feel or to perceive, cannot for example be touched to feel to please or to displacer. Then our soul is an inert BEING, like a rock that lives without living?
Not by all means: The BUUAWEA owns BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS (not to confuse with CONSCIENCE) that is to say: generates ideas, is able to include/understand the messages that the OEMBUAW offers him and also through this one he is able to operate and to control the OEMII (body).
The generated ideas, the acquired knowledge, the control of the body. THEY ARE NOT REALISED OF A SEQUENTIAL OR CONTINUOUS WAY IN FLOWING OF THE TIME.
That is to say, the SOUL is not developing ideas one after another one in diverse time intervals, since the TIME for her DOES NOT EXIST.
He would not either be absolutely correct to say that the BUUAWEA “in one go does” all this for always and at a moment, but this last way to explain to us, without using technical lexicon of UMMO of almost impossible translation, is most effective.
WOA grants to the soul, a prerogative that is important
What means that although WOA (GENERATING or GOD) generates or creates the physical body, even reserving he to determine the characteristics of his physiology, grants to the BUUAWEA the faculty to model the conduct of the body, throughout the time in one go for always.
We will again use the resemblance of that one long plastic tunnel. We suppose that one is a great flexible tube as a serpent to Its buys it proprietor and wishes to extend it by the garden. It will have total freedom to curve it at will, although of course, will have to adapt it a little to the topography of the land, to draw for the trees mainly and, not to disturb to the other tunnels extended in the field.
In a single glance, position will become of all the obstacles and at the same moment it will choose a serpenteante ideal axis on which it will adapt that tube. No doubt fits, that the owner can contemplate his work in all their magnitude including it with a single glance. He is not the unfortunate little man who at night, has to cross by his interior the long way to observe step by step with his lantern, only consecutive sectors of the flexible tube and the bordering garden…
This last little man represented the CONSCIENCE, the proprietor symbolizes BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS of BUUAWEA (ALMA).
Only with a deeper argumentation, you in condition would be absolutely for assimilating this set out idea. Hill work in principle to admit that distinction enters BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS and CONSCIENCE (words that we have chosen to translate ours: BUUAWA IMMI and ESEE OA).
Hundreds from doubts and questions arise therefore: the Earth men will be in that aspect different from those from UMMO?
There is no reason so that the souls of you have another essence.
If the SOUL is able to see in a single glance, all that long tunnel that OEBUMAOEMII in the form of HOMBRE-EMBUTIDO, or in other words, all the events that the OEMMII lived and will live (body), How it is that I am not able to accede in the field of my CONSCIENCE, more than the vision of PRESENT, that is to say one only of that gigantic chain of events that constitutes length OEBUMAOEMII? Is not that I after all my SOUL? You say them UMMO scientists that my conscience is that little man of the lantern that travels slowly at night exploring one by one the EVENTS that integrate the long tunnel or inlay; you say who when MY BODY THIS READING AT THIS MOMENT (that is to say: an event) or when I UNDRESS Tonight (another event): Both already they exist pre-established by my SOUL with the WOA permission, and nevertheless it is only allowed to me TO FIND OUT to ME step by step, in the slow one to flow of the time It is that I MINE, CONSCIOUS is an enslaved innocent of the SOUL that models my conduct?
There am a new illusion here. When we raised the glance and we see the blue one of the sea, or the red one crepitar of a live coal we are far from imagining that RED and the BLUE one is mere somatic illusions. It does not exist the color but simple beams of WAVES whose length of period, produces diverse effects in our cerebral crust. Then: That is an ILLUSION to flow of the time that makes see the events One by one us.
IT BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS and CONSCIENCE is after all the same thing. It is our physical body, our OEMII, that with his limitations it prevents that the soul sees its traverse more than an episode or event at every moment.
We will use another resemblance: You leave to your window and contemplate the panorama. Perhaps we imagined that you are architect and who has constructed the building that is opposite. It sees complete with all doors and windows it, its tile roofs, its chimneys… Now it trims on a fine cardboard, a cuadradito of (ENMOO = 1.87 centimeters) of side. It makes in its center an orifice of the diameter of a pencil and returns to the window. It puts the squared one to (nine ENMOO = 16.8 - cm.) approximately of its eye, and without trying to close the other it tries to focus through that perforation, one of the windows of the house of opposite.
What limited and desencantador field of vision! If it wants through tiny agujerito to see all the panorama, will have to make with him a long-haul in the space!
Nevertheless you will not be as ingenuous as to lament itself exclaiming for example who their eyes are not able to contemplate of a single time the landscape, (the house constructed by you) in all their integrity She would be enough that she threw that small cartoncito simply.
You have understood then, who the eyes represent BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS the cardboard symbolizes OEMII (CUERPO FÍSICO) and the limited field of view through orifice, ESEE OA (CONSCIENCIA).
BUAWAA (soul), is therefore responsible before WOA for his conduct with respect to UAA (moral code dictated by the GENERATOR) soul has modeled - of once, yes but has given form to all the events lived by OEMII (body physiological) and if it has not adapted them to that moral law that freely has transgressed, has to be punished.
This concept of punishment does not have similarity with the ingenuous description that the old texts of the Terrestrial Roman Church, do of the Purgatorio. We have been nevertheless very surprised when observing that the modern Theologians of that same Church and others, Evangelical or Protestant (Men of science besides Theologians) at the moment maintain a theory that agrees almost exactly with ours. Since they consider the concept of adimensional Spirit and therefore dissociated of the magnitude time.
An incomplete vision of the man us can present/display like a subject body to the implacable biological laws of WOA. When a stone falls, its displacement is not fruit of the chance but they take part, in or drawing up plan, the mass of the rock, the gravitational field of UMMO (or the Earth) the composition of the air and its phenomena of conditional turbulence to the form of the object. The behavior of all GREAT OBJECT in the cosmos, is function of statistical laws that you denominate PHYSICAL LAWS.
But the chance is nevertheless the unique LAW of particles subatomics THESE no longer are put under as the great OBJECTS to the servitude of an inflexible law and this know the Earth scientists already to it.
But if the man is a giant atom complex, that is to say, a GREAT OBJECT its conduct will not be then, subordinate to Physical and biological laws, which will prevent a conduct him with freedom?
IF and no. We will explain this: They observe what it happens when arrives a weak ray from light at the retina. All the conduct of the man can modify by this imperceptible phenomenon. We know that a single IBOAAYA OU is enough (FOTON) to make react a single BOIYUIYU ACCEPTS (retinal cell called by you ROD) and to generate an impulse nervous. A photon to only move to OEMII (CUERPO)! soon the man although physiologically he is himself put under those laws boolexas can behave as well by the chance, to the being controlled by particles subatomics.
This principle, animated to the Psicofisiólogos of UMMO to investigate the true causes of the interaction between BUAWAA and OEMII (SPIRIT and SOMA) until in year 315 of our time, 3 NOI son of NOI 2, with their team of scientists, realise a huge discovery.
The OEMBUUAW factor of connection between the body and the soul. One is not as the spiritualist ones of the Earth create, a PERIESPÍRITU of substance ECTOPLÁSMICA (the ECTOPLASMA of you is fraudulent and unreal, because a substance cannot at the same time be MATERIAL (that is DIMENSIONAL) and at the same time SPIRITUAL (without DIMENSIONS) so that regurgitations ECTOPLÁSMICAS of the terrestrial MEDIUM are mere frauds).
The OEMBUUAW is integrated simply by a small group or atom constellation DIIU YAA (KRIPTÓN) This gas known by you is formed by inert atoms, (incapable to be combined chemically) In their orbital ones count 36 electrons, of which six appear in the outer crust, and two in the immediate one. Obsérvese that the Atomic number is multiple of Nº AT. of Carbon (twelve) and Helium (two) He is able to enter resonance OWEEU OMWAA with these elements, with a frequency corresponding to the third HARMONIC one of the FUNDAMENTAL one of CARBON, and the SIXTH OVERTONE of the base frequency of HELIUM. (OWEEU OMWAA is a cortical effect of the atom, nonshortage still by the terrestrial nuclear Physicists, and it does not have to be confused with the emission of energy quantified to diverse frequencies, by the electronic crust and that you value by means of the characteristic emission spectra for each atom.
The location of these atoms of KRYPTON in the human body is very difficult, for the following reasons;
ITS NUMBER IS GREATLY REDUCED (we have located sixteen) UNLIKE THE OTHER ATOMS (carbon nitrogen I oxygenate etc.) THAT ARE COUNTED BY TRILLONES.
One does not believe more that the Nº of atoms of Krypton so is reduced. We suspect that hundreds of thousands (even so the number is low) distributed in the TEMPORARY LOBE in the THALAMUS, HIPOTÁLAMO, and other zones of the CEREBRAL CRUST exist.
Those are the nervous impulses that through different Atoms from Carbon and Helium, whose quantum states have been excited, (IMAGE B) PAGE those that by RESONANCE modify ordinary states of frequency zero (FLAT WAVE) of each atom of KRYPTON, by effect OWEEU OMWAA. That way the messages of the Memory for example are codified in these atoms (yellow color in mentioned IMAGE B) in the form of already mentioned WAVES of IMAGE D Page
BUUAWAA (ALMA) has then knowledge of everything what our senses catch, and of all the developed mental processes in our brain, through these ATOMS OF KRYPTON but in addition, by means of them, acts on the body being developed an inverse process, whose last phase constitutes the motor impulses that activate our muscles.
We can because to elaborate an IMAGE that represents the HUMANITY PURELY SYMBOLIC IMAGE Since the spirit is adimensional.
A gigantic BUUAWE BIAEI or collective soul (blue) whose BUUAWAA (green) integrated in him, controls each by means of the OEMBUUAW (yellow) their respective OEMII (CUERPOS) (orange) that in fact this associate to the time forming the length and winding linking of EVENTS that we called OEBUMAOEMII (OEMBUAMOEMII)
ALL created by WOA with ample freedom to prevail in one go for always their Destino, and soon to be sanctioned or to be awarded in the intimate participation of the WOA IDEAS (this - soon he is symbolic, because the Time does not exist) words do not exist to express the exquisite harmony of this wonderful GENERATION of WOA.
All the men of UMMO we are integrated then in that BUUAWEE BIAEI or COLLECTIVE SPIRIT. But:
Humbly we confessed WE IGNORED that it, if thus outside, we could communicate very telepathically with you in spite of the enormous distances, and would know a little more what the future of the Cosmic humanity has reserved to us.
This he is one of the objectives of our trip to the Earth. Until now the results have been discouraging. We thought ingenuously in addition that the Earth scientists and theologians were going to contribute something to us, and we found to you given them us to sterile wars to stupid controversies lack of all scientific objectivity, in which ALL create to own ALL THE TRUTH and they dare to dogmatizar, without respect to which do not think like you.
by obedience a
YU 1 daughter of EIM 368 (DELEGATED OF in AUSTRALIA)