Idioma Español Spanish Language
Nº de Copias 1 Number of Copies 1
Profesor Sesma Manzano Professor Sesma Manzano
Al describir las relaciones entre BUUAWA (Alma) y OEMII (Cuerpo tetradimensional), pueden ustedes preguntar. In describing the relationship between BUUAWA (Alma) and OEMII (Body-dimensional) can you ask.
¿Como han podido establecer científicamente, es decir, por medios empíricos y estableciendo las leyes correspondientes, la Existencia del BUUAWA (ALMA) si esta es ADIMENSIONAL y por tanto inaccesible al control de los instrumentos físicos más precisos? How have you been scientifically established, ie by empirical means and setting the appropriate laws, Existence of BUUAWA (ALMA) if that is dimensionless and therefore inaccessible to control more precise physical instruments?
Entre ustedes sin duda existirán algunas personas poco versadas en Astronomía que podrían formular una pregunta similar: Among you there will be some people undoubtedly little versed in astronomy could ask a similar question:
¿Cómo se puede conocer la distancia de estrellas situadas a millones de años luz, si las posibilidades trigonométricas de valoración por triangulación son ineficaces con esas enormes magnitudes? How do you know the distance of stars located millions of light years, if the potential valuation by trigonometric triangulation are ineffective with such huge quantities? y ¿Qué instrumentos Físicos pudieron desplazar hasta allí para medir su Masa, y temperatura...? What tools and physicists were able to move up there to measure its mass, and temperature ...?
Un Astrónomo terrestre sonreiría comprensivo y le indicaría que ciertas estrellas (denominadas CEFEIDAS por ustedes) emiten un flujo de luz intermitente de modo que al intervalo entre dos máximos de intensidad es tal que su logaritmo varía proporcionalmente a su brillo, y todos saben que la comparación del brillo aparente y el real, es la base de estimación de distancias estelares. A sympathetic smile and terrestrial astronomer would tell him that certain stars (known as Cepheids for you) emit a flashing light flow so that the interval between two peaks of intensity is such that its logarithm varies in proportion to its brightness, and everyone knows that the comparison the apparent brightness and the real, is the basis for estimating stellar distances.
La Ciencia valora y estima siempre la EXISTENCIA DE UN FACTOR en función de los EFECTOS que produce. Scientific values and believes that there is always a factor in relation to the effects it produces.
Pues bien: En el Año (Año de UMMO) 315/53750 Un científico biopsicólogo, NOI 3 hijo de NOI 2 descubre la presencia de algunos átomos aislados de gas inerte KRIPTÓN en el Encéfalo. Well: The Year (Year of Ummo) 315/53750 biopsychologist Scientist, 3 son of NOI NOI 2 reveals the presence of some inert gas atoms KRYPTON isolated in the brain.
Como ustedes saben, este gas no se combina con ningún otro cuerpo o elemento químico. As you know, this gas is not combined with any other body or chemical element. La presencia pues resultaba extraña si se tiene en cuenta que el número era reducidísimo y que al explorar una muestra estadística de cerebros humanos en personas vivas, tales átomos se encontraban siempre ubicados en la misma zona ya la misma profundidad en el HIPOTÁLAMO. The presence was strange because if one takes into account the number was very small and that when examining a statistical sample of human brain in living people, such atoms were always located in the same area and at the same depth in the hypothalamus.
No se trataba pues de un fenómeno aleatorio, es decir fruto del azar. There was no question of a random phenomenon is the result of chance.
Un ayudante de NOI 3, el Biólogo SOOIE 996 hijo de SOOIE 993 inició las investigaciones, examinando inmediatamente la corona electrónica de esos átomos para observar posibles alteraciones cuánticas provocadas por probables transferencias de Energía. An aide to NOI 3, the son of 996 Sooi Biologist Sooi initiated 993 investigations, considering the crown immediately electronics these atoms to observe possible alterations caused by probable quantum energy transfer.
Ustedes han estudiado que todo núcleo atómico está rodeado de una nube de electrones, situados a distintos niveles de energía. You have studied all the atomic nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of electrons located at different energy levels. (Véase el ingenuo gráfico que lo simboliza) IMAGEN A. (See chart that represents naive) IMAGE A.
Dentro de cada nivel la situación de cada electrón es una función de probabilidad, es decir del AZAR (Recuerden el principio de INDETERMINACIÓN o INCERTIDUMBRE. Within each level the position of each electron is a probability function, ie the AZAR (Remember the principle of indeterminacy or uncertainty.
Cuando los libros elementales de ustedes describen a un átomo simbolizan las distintas “CAPAS” o NIVELES DE ENERGIA como en la IMAGEN B. When the basic books you describe an atom represent the different "layers" or energy levels as in the image B.
En UMMO a los niños les ponemos el siguiente SIMIL sencillo con fines didácticos, que expresa mejor este concepto a los no versados aun en Física Nuclear. In Ummo children would put the following simple SIMI training purposes, that best expresses the concept even to non-versed in nuclear physics.
Los ELECTRONES se mueven alrededor del NUCLEO como WIISIIO (Insectos parecidos a las HORMIGAS de la TIERRA) alrededor del orificio de su madriguera. Electrons move around the nucleus like WIISIIO (Insects like ants from the Earth) around the opening of its burrow. Estas “HORMIGAS” pululan alocadas en torno de su nido sin orden o ley, en zonas húmedas. These "ANTS" wild swarm around the nest without order or law, in humid areas.
De vez en cuando un insecto se detiene rápidamente, y absorbe una gota de rocío, hinchando su vientre (Algo parecido ocurre en el mundo subatómico: Un electrón absorbe un IVOAAIA OU (FOTON) es decir, un “CUANTUM” de ENERGIA y cambia de NIVEL ENERGÉTICO. Occasionally an insect stops quickly and absorbs a drop of dew, inflating its belly (Something similar happens in the subatomic world: An electron absorbs a IVOAAIA OU (FOTON), ie a "CUANTUM" of energy and changes energy levels.
Obsérvese pues que el cambiar de NIVEL, no consiste en alejarse del NUCLEO como parecen dar a entender muchos textos didácticos Terrestres, sino MODIFICAR SU ESTADO (Empleando otro símil: Su posición social o económica) enriqueciéndose con un poco más de ENERGIA. Note therefore that the change in level, is not from the nucleus and seem to imply many educational texts Land, but change their status (Using another simile: Her social position or economic) enriched with a little more energy. Otras veces nuestra hormiga, regurgitará bruscamente ese agua, adelgazando consecuentemente, es decir VOLVERÁ A SU primitivo ESTADO CUÁNTICO, dará un salto atrás en su ESTADO SOCIAL. Other times our ant, regurgitate the water suddenly, slimming result, ie return to its original quantum state, will jump back in their social status.
También los electrones descienden de NIVEL ENERGÉTICO cediendo o emitiendo CUANTUM o FOTONES decimos entonces que ese cuerpo que contiene tales átomos, emite Radiaciones INFRARROJO (como una de sus Planchas eléctricas) LUZ CROMÁTICA (Filamento de una Lámpara) o radiaciones ultravioleta entre otras. Also the electrons descend from giving or issuing LEVEL ENERGY PHOTONS CUANTUM or we say that the body that contains such atoms, it emits infrared radiation (as one of its electric irons) chromatic light (filament lamp) or ultraviolet radiation, among others.
La noche 76 del año 315, SOOIE 996 se había quedado con su subordinado especializado en XANMOO USII (Computador) en el gran laboratorio de la UNAWO OUDEE ANII (Universidad de Biopatología) de UUDEEXAA. The night 76 of the year 315, 996 Sooi had stayed with his subordinate specialized XANMOO USII (Computer) in the great laboratory of OUDE UNAWE ANII (University of Biopathology) of UUDEEXAA.
El cuerpo de GAA 1 hija de BIUA 4535 yacía en una cámara acondicionada, en la que se habían eliminado del aire, los mínimos residuos de gas DIIUYAA (KRIPTÓN). The body of BIUA GAA 1 daughter of 4535 lay in a conditioned chamber in which air had been removed, the least waste gas DIIUYAA (KRYPTON). Una serie de sondas perforaban su zona parietal derecha en el cráneo. A series of probes pierced his right parietal area in the skull. Por supuesto aunque estaba sometida a una fase anestésica local, el resto de los mecanismos reflejos y conscientes no estaban inhibidos. Of course while she was under a local anesthetic phase, the rest of the reflexes and awareness were not inhibited.
Una serie de AASNOOSAI (Detectores o registradores de funciones fisiológicas) estaban distribuidos por todo el cuerpo desnudo de esta jovencita. A series of AASNOOSAI (sensors or recording of physiological function) were distributed around the naked body of this young girl.
GAA 1 hija de BIUA 4535 que con este experimento había de pasar a la Historia de nuestra evolución científica, pertenecía al Pueblo de UMMO desde que siendo UUYIE (NIÑA) (a los 15 años terrestres de edad) había electrocutado a una hermana menor, produciéndole la muerte por fibrilación del corazón. BIUA GAA 1 daughter of 4535 that this experiment was to pass to the history of our scientific evolution, belonged to the People of Ummo since being UUYIE (GIRL) (after 15 earth years old) had a younger sister electrocuted, producing death from heart fibrillation.
(En UMMO todo delincuente pasa a ser propiedad del Pueblo que dispone de él a través de las determinaciones de UMMOAELEWE (In any criminal Ummo becomes the property of the people who have it through determinations UMMOAELEWE . . La pena de muerte no existe. The death penalty does not exist. La responsabilidad criminal y la naturaleza de la sanción, ponderada en función de Un CÓDIGO LEGAL Standard para todo UMMO no es dictada por ningún tribunal como en la TIERRA sino por la red de XANMOO ISOO AYUBAA (120 Computadoras o Calculadoras automáticas que regulan la estructura sociocultural de UMMO). Criminal responsibility and the nature of the penalty, weighted by a legal code for all Ummo Standard is issued by a court in the land but the AYUBAA isoo XANMOO network (120 computers or automatic calculators that regulate socio-cultural structure of Ummo).
Generalmente el GEE o YIE (HOMBRE o MUJER) delincuentes son desnudados y presentados a una selección de ciudadanos que toman posesión de ellos simbólicamente. Usually the GEE or YIE (male or female) offenders are strip submitted to a selection of people who take possession of them symbolically. La sociedad de UMMO los utiliza para diversas funciones (Experimentos biológicos, trabajos a grandes profundidades, o en lugares peligrosos...) Más todos los medios técnicos son utilizados para preservarles la vida e inmunizarles al dolor físico. Ummo society uses for various functions (biological experiments, work at great depths, or in dangerous places ...) Over all the technical means are used to immunize preserve the life and physical pain. No es lícito realizar con ellos experiencias que puedan considerarse necesariamente mortales o destructoras de su integridad fisiológica. It is not lawful carry with them experiences that can necessarily be considered a deadly or destructive of its physiological integrity. Aunque no existe remisión de la pena, los delincuentes que acumulan méritos son recompensados (permitiéndoseles por ejemplo anular la humillante norma de su desnudez) Un intervalo diario de 60 uiw (unos 180 minutos) son destinados a su reeducación espiritual y técnica. Although there is no remission of sentence, offenders accumulate merit are rewarded (eg being allowed to override the rule of his humiliating nudity) A 60-day interval UIW (about 180 minutes) are intended for spiritual re-education and technology. Cualquiera de nosotros que justifique necesitar los servicios por humillantes que estos sean, de estos penados puede requerirlos. Any of us who need the services to justify these are humiliating, these prisoners can request them. Pero este derecho es puramente nominativo en la práctica pues la población YUUXAA UXII (PENAL) de UMMO es muy restringida. But this right is purely nominative in practice because the population YUUXAA UXII (criminal) Ummo is very restricted.
SOOIE 996 estudiaba en aquel momento la corona electrónica de un átomo de DIUYAA (KRIPTÓN) situado en la corteza del tercer ventrículo bajo el tálamo de la YIE GAA 1 hija de BIUUA 4535. 996 Sooi student at the time the electronic crown DIUYAA atom (KRYPTON) located in the cortex of the third ventricle below the thalamus of the YIE BIUUA GAA 1 daughter of 4535.
Ante la GAA ONMAEI del XANMOO (Pantalla visualizadora de las cifras suministradas por el Computador) aparecían unos dígitos ordenados en columnas. In the GAA ONMAEI of XANMOO (screen viewed from the figures provided by the Computer) appeared a few digits arranged in columns. Cada uno de estos números reflejaba la situación probabilística de cada electrón en relación a uno tomado como referencia en cada instante, pero con expresión de tiempo “factorizado” (Ustedes dirían “a cámara lenta”). Each of these numbers reflect the probability of each electron position relative to one taken as reference in every moment, but with an expression of time "factored" (You would say "slow motion").
Cuando una cifra saltaba a otra columna se expresaba con ello un SALTO IBOAAYANUUIO (CUÁNTICO) a otro nivel energético (acuérdense del símil de las Hormigas) y esta era la verdadera finalidad del estudio de SOOIE 996. When a number jump to another column was expressed with it a IBOAAYANUUIO JUMP (quantum) energy level to another (remember the simile of the Ants) and this was the real purpose of the study Sooi 996.
La hora es ya histórica. The time is now historic. Hacia los 488 Towards the 488 (uiw) (UN DÍA DE UMMO tiene 600 (UIW) (ONE DAY has 600 Ummo
Aproximadamente 1855, 2 minutos TIERRA) de la Noche 76 del Año de UMMO 315 de Nuestro Tiempo, SOOIE 996 quedó paralizado por la emoción. Around 1855, EARTH 2 minutes) of the Night 76 of the Year Our Time Ummo 315, 996 Sooi was paralyzed by emotion. Dejó de prestar su atención a estos saltos CUÁNTICOS y ordenó a su ayudante que desconectase la pantalla del Equipo detector, para estudiar mejor las cifras ya estáticas que aparecían en ella. Ceased to pay attention to these quantum leaps and ordered his assistant to disconnect the computer screen detector, to better study the static and figures appearing in it.
Aunque al principio lo atribuyó al azar aquello parecía increíble. Although initially attributed to chance it seemed incredible. Los números de aquellas columnas, guardaban una relación secuencial, es decir, aparecían distribuidos armónicamente según una ley matemática sencilla (Una función periódica). The numbers of those columns, having a sequential, ie appeared harmoniously distributed according to a simple mathematical law (a periodic function).
Aquellos electrones que según el principio de incertidumbre debían ubicarse en su nivel energético de un modo desordenado como las HORMIGAS de nuestro ejemplo, parecían superar la anarquía y regular su función probabilística rompiendo con su indeterminismo microfísico. Those electrons that under the principle of uncertainty must be placed in your energy level of a disordered way like ants in our example, seemed to overcome the anarchy and regulate their function probabilistic breaking with their microphysical indeterminism.
La impresión, debió de ser tan fuerte como la que experimentarían los técnicos en la TIERRA del Proyecto OZMA si a través de sus Radiotelescopios recibieran entre los salvajes e inarmónicos trenes de ondas provenientes de una Galaxia, una secuencia de impulsos codificados Signo evidente de VIDA en aquel enjambre estelar. The impression must have been as strong as they would experience technicians EARTH Project Ozma whether through its Radio telescopes receive between wild and inharmonious wave trains from a galaxy, a sequence of pulse code clear sign of LIFE in this stellar swarm.
Científicos de todo UMMO acudieron a los Laboratorios de UUUDEESA y las investigaciones prosiguieron bajo las órdenes de NOI 3 hijo de NOI 2. Scientists around Ummo attended UUUDEESA Laboratories and research continued under the command of 3 son of NOI NOI 2. Tal era la trascendencia del descubrimiento. Such was the significance of the discovery.
Aquellos movimientos armónicos de los electrones corticales del átomo de KRIPTÓN coincidían con los impulsos nerviosos emitidos por la corteza cerebral de la niña en experimentación. Those harmonic motions of electrons in the atom of krypton cortical coincided with the nerve impulses emitted by the cerebral cortex of the child under investigation. Es decir con los movimientos voluntarios de sus brazos, pies, órganos de fonación... Ie with voluntary movements of his arms, feet, speech organs ... más no, con los movimientos reflejos, o con los impulsos emitidos por el Sistema Neurovegetativo. but not with reflex movements, or impulses emitted by the autonomic nervous system.
Al principio, y durante la primera fase de las investigaciones se creyó que aquellos movimientos codificados en la corteza electrónica del KRIPTÓN estaban condicionados, es decir: Eran un EFECTO de los Neuroimpulsos emitidos por el encéfalo del Ser Vivo, aunque no acertaban a desentrañar la funcionalidad de tal Código en átomo aislado del gas inerte. In the beginning, and during the first phase of research it was believed that these movements are codified in the electronic bark KRYPTON were conditioned, ie: They were an effect of neuroimpulses emitted by the brain of the living, but could not quite fathom the functionality of this Code in isolated atom of inert gas.
Mas un nuevo asombroso descubrimiento se produjo el día 94 del año 315: But an amazing new discovery was made on 94 of the year 315:
Los movimientos armónicos de los electrones en la corona del átomo PRECEDÍAN! The harmonic motions of electrons in the atom preceded the crown! a la conducta de la Jovencita en experimentación. the conduct of the Teen in experimentation. Es decir: se producían con un adelanto de 0,0000000755 uiw (En torno a una millonésima del segundo) sobre las restantes reacciones neurofisiológicas del organismo. That is, were produced with a preview of 0.0000000755 UIW (Approximately one-millionth of a second) on the remaining neuropsychological reactions in the body.
Parecía como si aquellos electrones fueran el alma de la jovencita, dictando órdenes a su OEMMII (ORGANISMO). It seemed as if the electrons were the soul of the girl, dictating orders to his OEMMII (AGENCY).
Mas unos electrones carecen de Vida. But a few electrons have no life. Imaginarlo seria tan absurdo como creer que aquellos mensajes que recibiesen los astrónomos del Planeta TIERRA estuviesen generados por emisoras que funcionasen solas... Imagine would be as absurd as believing that those who received messages of Planet Earth astronomers were generated by stations that run by themselves ...
SI AQUELLOS ELECTRONES NO SE MOVÍAN AL AZAR COMO DE COSTUMBRE DEBÍA DE EXISTIR UN FACTOR INDEPENDIENTE QUE FUESE CAPAZ DE EJERCER UN CONTROL SOBRE ELLOS. SI did not move those electrons RANDOM AS USUAL There must have been an independent factor that was capable of exercising control over them.
Por no hacer enojoso nuestro informe, optamos por dejar de relatar el resto del proceso que precedió a la verificación científica de la existencia del BUUAWAA (ALMA) gracias al descubrimiento sensacional del tercer factor del hombre OEMBUUAW integrado como hemos indicado por átomos aislados de DIIUYAA (KRIPTÓN). Not to upset our report, we chose to stop telling the rest of the process that preceded the scientific verification of the existence of BUUAWAA (ALMA) thanks to the sensational discovery of the third factor of man as we have indicated OEMBUUAW integrated isolated atoms DIIUYAA ( KRYPTON).
Por primera vez en la Historia se confirmaba la existencia de un ALMA que ya nuestros filósofos como los de la TIERRA habían sospechado, y que el DIVINO UMMOWOA nos había confirmado en sus transcendentes revelaciones. For the first time in history, confirming the existence of a soul and our philosophers like those on Earth had suspected, and DIVINE UMMOWOA that we had confirmed in its transcendent revelations. Una vez más Religión y Ciencia estaban acordes. Again, Religion and Science agreed.
Como pueden ustedes figurarse, el campo de experimentación no se limitó exclusivamente al Hombre, extendiéndose a todos los seres orgánicos, unicelulares y pluricelulares, analizándose además todos los tipos de Virus y compuestos orgánicos autorreproducibles. As you can imagine, the experimental field was not limited exclusively to man, spreading to all organic beings, unicellular and multicellular also analyzed all types of Virus and self-reproducing organic compounds.
Los resultados fueron desalentadores. The results were disappointing. Se llegaron a detectar átomos aislados de NEÓN y XENÓN en muchos seres vivos, y algunos millones de átomos de Gas HELIO en los Animales provistos de estructuras nerviosas superiores (Hoy conocemos la función del Helio en la corteza cerebral). It came to detect single atoms of neon and XENON in many living things, and a few million atoms of helium gas in the animals with higher neural structures (We know the role of helium in the cerebral cortex).
Se tuvieron esperanzas, cuando en el año 376 de nuestro Tiempo fueron descubiertos átomos de KRIPTÓN ubicados en los mismos puntos encefálicos, dentro del cerebro del AAGA IEGOOSAAA (Una especie de animal antropoide de UMMO con parecido remoto al CHIMPANCE del Planeta TIERRA pero muy inteligente). He had hopes, when in the year 376 of our time were discovered krypton atoms residing in the same brain points, within the brain of AAGA IEGOOSAAA (A kind of Ummo anthropoid animal with remote resemblance to the chimpanzee of the planet earth but very smart) .
Mas los electrones de sus capas en los átomos del KRIPTÓN se movían según la Función probabilística habitual en todos los átomos de la Naturaleza. But the electrons in layers of krypton atoms moving according to the usual probabilistic function in all atoms of Nature. Ninguna ley o código ha sido detectado. No law or code has been detected.
¿Existe a pesar de todo un alma en los seres biológicos no humanos? Is there nonetheless a soul in nonhuman biological beings? Hasta ahora no tenemos certidumbre y preferimos abstenernos de formular hipótesis. So far we have certainty and prefer to abstain from formulating hypotheses.
Según Él cuando en el proceso evolutivo de los seres vivos desde la aparición de las primeras moléculas proteicas, hasta la aparición en UMMO de los seres antropoides, estos se desarrollaron hasta alcanzar una estructura neurocerebral tan compleja que las primeras manifestaciones de inteligencia animal desarrollada tuvieron asiento en ellos, WOA (GENERADOR o DIOS) hizo controlar estos OEMII por el BUUAWA (ALMA) pasando a ser esta responsable de su conducta. According to him when in the evolutionary process of living since the introduction of the first protein molecules, until the appearance in Ummo of anthropoid beings, they will grow into a structure so complex that neurocerebral the first signs of animal intelligence had developed seat in them, WOA (GENERATOR or GOD) made by the OEMII control these BUUAWA (ALMA) is becoming responsible for their conduct.
Hasta ahora la ciencia ha confirmado como de costumbre sus Divinas Palabras, más el no haberse referido UMMOWOA a estas almas tal vez no implique necesariamente su inexistencia. So now science has confirmed as usual its Divine Words, plus UMMOWOA not have referred to these souls may not necessarily imply their absence. El criterio oficial de los científicos de UMMO a este respecto está impregnado de escepticismo. The official criterion Ummo scientists in this regard is steeped in skepticism.
Tras las sensacionales investigaciones en torno a la funcionalidad de los átomos de Kriptón por NOI 3 hijo de NOI 2, el proceso de estos estudios fue desarrollándose aceleradamente. Following the sensational investigations into the functionality of krypton atoms by 3 son of NOI NOI 2, the process of these studies was developing rapidly.
Se hablan localizado hacia el año 726 de nuestra Era tres átomos activos: Dos de ellos AAXOO Spoken located around the year 726 of our assets was three atoms: two of them AAXOO (EMISORES) y uno UAXOO (RECEPTOR) (ISSUER) and one UAXOO (RECIPIENT)
Los primeros envían -convenientemente codificados- cuantos informes puede suministrar el Sistema Nervioso Cortical. The first send-conveniently-coded few reports can provide Cortical Nervous System. Todas las imágenes ópticas, acústicas, olfativas,.. All optical images, sound, smell, .. recibidas a través de las neuronas conectadas con los órganos de los sentidos, procedentes de los estímulos del Mundo exterior; Todas las imágenes almacenadas en la Memoria; Todo el desarrollo de los procesos mentales que tienen lugar en la Red neuronal de la Corteza Cerebral, son remitidos por ciertas vías nerviosas hasta unos órganos no conocidos por ustedes, denominados BIAMOAXII donde se produce una reacción química exotérmica, que al liberar calor, excita el estado cuántico de una red de átomos libres de HELIO. received through the neurons connected with the organs of sense stimuli from the outside world; All images stored in the memory; whole development of mental processes that occur in the neural network of the Cerebral Cortex, are transmitted by certain pathways to some organs not known to you, called BIAMOAXII which produces an exothermic chemical reaction, releasing heat that excites the quantum state of a network of free atoms of helium.
En suma, algo así como si se transmitiera una especie de código Morse hasta una pequeña Emisora que es el HELIO. In short, something like if you convey a kind of Morse code to a small station that is helium. Se produce un efecto cortical de Resonancia entre la Corona electrónica de los átomos de Helio y los de KRIPTÓN (1) y este a su vez vuelve a Transformar el código recibido, en otro de similares características (Podríamos decir con razón: INTELIGIBLE para EL BUUAWAA (ALMA). Observen, siguiendo el símil anterior, que el átomo de KRIPTÓN hace las funciones de una especie de RECEPTOR de TELEVISIÓN o de RADIODIFUSIÓN que recibe y EMITE al ALMA en un lenguaje que ella solo conoce, cuanto ocurre en el OEMII (HOMBRE) y en el Medio que le rodea). There is a skin effect of electronic resonance between the Crown of helium atoms and krypton (1) and this in turn back into the code you received in another with similar characteristics (We might well say: intelligible to BUUAWAA (ALMA). Look, following the earlier simile, that the krypton atom acts as a kind of television receivers or radio that receives and sends the soul in a language she only knows what is happening in the OEMII (MAN ) and its surroundings).
Los átomos UAXOO (CAPTORES o RECEPTORES) por el contrario, siguiendo un proceso inverso, envían al cuerpo humano una serie de instrucciones procedentes del Alma. Atoms UAXOO (sensors or receiver) on the contrary, following a reverse process, send the human body a series of instructions from the Soul. Son del tipo que descubrió NOI 3 en el año 315. They are the type who discovered NOI 3 in the year 315. (Obsérvese que fue una fortuna se tratase de un átomo UAXOO este primer hallazgo, pues al preceder el código de su nube electrónica, a las reacciones del Organismo -al contrario que los AAXOO- permitió inducir la existencia del BUUAWAA (ALMA) como origen de los armónicos movimientos electrónicos ). (Note that it was fortunate it were an atom UAXOO this first find, then to precede the code for its electron cloud, the reactions of the body-as opposed to AAXOO-enabled induce the existence of BUUAWAA (ALMA) as the source of harmonics electronic motions).
Repetimos que el proceso es inverso. Again, the process is reversed. Los mensajes de KRIPTÓN son recibidos por millones de átomos de HELIO modificándose sus estados IBOOAYA NUIO (CUÁNTICO) de modo que estos irradian “CUANTUM” de frecuencias menores que las de la LUZ (RADIACIÓN INFRARROJA). KRYPTON messages are received by millions of helium atoms IBOOAYA NUIO modifying their states (quantum) so that they radiate "CUANTUM" of frequencies lower than those of light (infrared radiation). A partir de aquí, otro tipo de neuroorganos no conocidos por los Fisiólogos terrestres, y que trabajan de forma parecida a los Pares termoeléctricos, transforman los mensajes termomodulados en impulsos nerviosos canalizados por una red de Neuronas. From here, other neuroorganos not known to physiologists land, and work similarly to the thermocouples, thermal modules transform the messages into nerve impulses channeled through a network of neurons. Esos neuroorganos reciben la denominación fónica en UMMO de BIAEMOOXEA y están distribuidos en las áreas motoras de ambos Lóbulos Frontales, pero especialmente en las áreas situadas atrás y debajo del Gran Surco central. These are referred neuroorganos Ummo of phonics in BIAEMOOXEA and are distributed in the motor areas of both frontal lobes, but especially in the areas located behind and below the Grand Central sulcus.
Desde el año 903, los Psiconeurólogos de UMMO estaban realmente sorprendidos cuando al descubrir otros dos átomos de KRIPTÓN, e identificar uno de ellos como AAXOO Since 903, the psychoneurological of Ummo were really surprised when discovering two krypton atoms and identify one as AAXOO (EMISOR) (EMITTER)
el otro presentaba la extraña particularidad de que ninguna de las actividades somáticas del individuo correspondían (PRECEDIENDO o ANTECEDIENDO) a los enigmáticos “MENSAJES” que parecía recibir o emitir. the other had the strange peculiarity that none of the activities of the individual corresponding somatic (preceded or above) to the enigmatic "messages" which seemed to receive or deliver.
La alegría fue indescriptible. The joy was indescribable. Por la zona cerebral donde se localizó ese átomo, intuyeron los científicos que tal vez podría tratarse de transmisiones en uno u otro sentido, procedentes de los estratos inferiores de la Consciencia o (BUAWAAMIESEE OA) (Ustedes lo denominan SUBCONSCIENTE) Tal vez a través de aquél átomo nuestra alma quedaba informada de la rica actividad de nuestra vida psíquica oculta. For the brain area where it was found that atom, scientists sensed that perhaps it could be broadcast in either direction, from the lower strata of Consciousness or (BUAWAAMIESEE OA) (You call it subconscious) Perhaps through atom one soul was informed of the rich activity of our hidden psychic life.
El Día 17 del año 925 (Un año UMMO tiene sesenta Días) es descubierta por YOEIM 77 hijo de YOEIM 76 un sexto átomo de KRIPTÓN localizado a una distancia casi infinitesimal del anterior. Day 17 of the year 925 (A year Ummo has sixty days) is discovered by the son of YOEIM 77 sixth YOEIM 76 KRYPTON atom located at a distance of almost infinitesimal above.
Seis días después YOEIM 77 había seleccionado una muestra estadística de 83 individuos de ambos sexos, para corroborar el descubrimiento. Six days after YOEIM 77 had selected a statistical sample of 83 individuals of both sexes, to confirm the discovery. El asombro del joven neurólogo (Tenía 23,6 años terrestres de edad) fue inmenso cuando al repasar las cintas en las que aparecían las curvas gráficas de esos mensajes, descubre que dos de ellos son comunes a todos los individuos de la muestra. The astonishment of the young neurologist (land was 23.6 years old) was huge when he reviewed the tapes that featured the graphic curves of those messages, he discovers that two of them are common to all individuals in the sample. Algo así como si el alma dirigiese las mismas instrucciones a TODOS los hombres, o recibiese de estos la misma clase de información. It is as if the soul makes the same instructions to all men, or received from the same kind of information.
Tardáronse varios años más en interpretar correctamente aquel misterioso hallazgo. Tardáronse several more years to properly interpret the mysterious discovery. Las personas estudiadas eran separadas a distancias de muchos KOOAE (1 KOOAE = 8,71 kilómetros) midiendo con XUUXAUIW USUIW (Relojes isócronos de alta precisión) los intervalos de tiempo que tardaban en recibirse o transmitirse aquellos mensajes. The individuals studied were separated at distances of many KOOAE (1 KOOAE = 8.71 miles) measuring with XUUXAUIW USUIW (high-precision clocks isochronous) intervals of time it took to receive or transmit those messages.
Los resultados de aquellos estudios fueron aun si cabe, más fantásticos: The results of those studies were if anything even more fantastic:
Los Mensajes se recibían o transmitían simultáneamente, cualquiera que fuera la distancia a que se encontrasen las dos personas estudiadas. The messages are transmitted or received simultaneously, whatever the distance at which were the two people tested.
Por primera vez se comprobaba que los movimientos codificados de los electrones, en tales átomos correspondían exactamente a la transmisión telepática. For the first time it was ascertained that codified movements of the electrons in these atoms correspond exactly to the telepathic transmission.
Se descubre, que en contra de lo que se creía, la transmisión telepática es recibida por todos los seres humanos simultáneamente, aunque un mecanismo subconsciente se encarga de bloquear: o sea, impedir, el paso a tal mensaje en las personas a las que no va dirigido. We discover that, contrary to what is believed, telepathic transmission is received by all human beings simultaneously, but a subconscious mechanism is responsible for block: that is, prevent the passage of such a message to people who do not is directed.
Aun sin existir transmisión telepática consciente, ciertas frecuencias (en aquel tiempo aun no descifradas o decodificadas) eran recibidas o transmitidas misteriosamente a todos los hombres de UMMO simultáneamente. Even without conscious telepathic transmission exist, certain frequencies (at that time not yet deciphered or decoded) were received or transmitted mysteriously Ummo all men simultaneously. Tales mensajes quedaban almacenados en aquellas zonas de la memoria a las que por no tener acceso fácilmente, más que durante los estados de Sueño, Anestesia total, Catalepsia etc., las denominábamos BUUAWAAMIESEE OA (SUBCONSCIENTE). Such messages are stored in those memory areas which have not easily accessible, rather than during states of sleep, anesthesia, etc. Catalepsy., The denominábamos BUUAWAAMIESEE OA (Subconscious).
Aquello era tanto más revolucionario, cuanto que las pretéritas investigaciones en torno a la Transmisión telepática, habían dado como resultado, que se tardaba algún tiempo (Unas milésimas de UIW (Un UIW = 3,092 minutos) en recibirse los mensajes por lo que se creyó durante mucho tiempo que se trataba de radiaciones electromagnéticas como las de la luz, o radiocomunicaciones. That was all the more revolutionary, since the bygone investigations into the telepathic transmission, had resulted, it took some time (a few thousandths of UIW (A UIW = 3.092 minutes) in the messages received by what was believed for long time that it was electromagnetic radiation like light or radio.
¿Cómo se explicaba aquella diferencia? What could explain this difference? ¿Cómo era que en uno y otro estudio, las diferencias de los tiempos calculados fuesen respectivamente, Cero y unas décimas de UIW? How was it in either study, differences in times were calculated respectively, Zero and a few tenths of UIW? El estudio iniciado fue también de trascendental importancia, pues permitió demostrar científicamente que el BUUAWAA (ALMA) y el BUUAWE BIAEI (ALMA COLECTIVA) son dos Entidades independientes, y que seria aberrado considerar a la primera como una simple manifestación o faceta de la segunda. The study undertaken was also of vital importance, as it allowed to demonstrate scientifically that the BUUAWAA (ALMA) and BUUAWE BIAEI (COLLECTIVE SOUL) are two independent entities, and would be considered abhorrent to the former as a mere manifestation or aspect of the second. El aparente enigma fue resuelto. The apparent puzzle was solved. Lo explicaremos unos párrafos más adelante. We'll explain a few paragraphs later. Por ahora huelga indicar que las investigaciones citadas revelaron la existencia de un AAIODI (ENTIDAD O SER) que hasta entonces no se había ni sospechado en UMMO ya que ni el mismo UMMOWOA habla citado explícitamente en sus TAAU, Su naturaleza: EL ALMA COLECTIVA. For now strike indicate that the above surveys revealed the existence of a AAIODI (ENTITY OR SER) which until then had not suspected in Ummo since neither speaks the same UMMOWOA explicitly cited in your TAAU, His nature: the collective soul. De nuevo un Ser ADIMENSIONAL era descubierto científicamente a través de sus efectos, como anteriormente lo hubiesen sido WOA (nuestro GENERADOR) y BUAAWAA. Again a scientifically be dimensionless was discovered through its effects, as it had previously been WOA (our GENERATOR) and BUAAWAA.
Observarán que aparentemente nos hemos desviado del Tema Central que constituye nuestro actual informe. You will note that apparently we have strayed from the central theme which is our current report. Más ustedes no ignoran que es imposible expresar opiniones sobre conceptos que no se conocen o se tiene vaga idea de los mismos. More you not aware that it is impossible to express views on concepts that are unknown or have a vague idea of them.
Si los problemas son hondos y difíciles de resolver, es por que sus causas son complejas y costosas sus interpretaciones. If the problems are deep and difficult to resolve, is that its causes are complex and costly their interpretations. Difícil será que ustedes ataquen el mal de raíz, si ignoran la estructura real del hombre y el funcionamiento de sus mecanismos psicológicos. Difficult it is for you to attack the evil at its root, if they ignore the actual structure of man and the psychological functioning of its mechanisms.
Un modelo primario y elemental de esa estructura vamos a brindárselo a continuación, y por ello nos hemos visto obligados a incluir en esos comentarios al BUUAWE BIAEI. A primary and elementary model of this structure we provided below, and therefore we were obliged to include in such comments BUUAWE BIAEI. Ustedes mismos tienen conciencia de que nunca la Medicina hubiese conseguido atacar de frente a las enfermedades infecciosas, si no hubiesen ustedes conseguido conocer la genuina naturaleza de los microorganismos y los virus. You yourselves are aware that medicine had never managed to attack against infectious diseases, if you have not gotten to know the real nature of microorganisms and viruses.
Claro esta que no siendo ustedes técnicos en la materia, nos veremos obligados a mostrarles ese modelo humano, en forma elemental y pedagógica, Esquematizado hasta lo posible, utilizando símbolos sencillos y abstractos, como podríamos hacerlo en los Centros Docentes de UMMO para los niños. It is obvious that you not being skilled in the art, we will have to show that human model, and teaching in elementary form, outline the extent possible, using simple, abstract symbols, as we would in educational establishments for children Ummo.
Hemos dudado sin embargo, sobre si sería inconveniente utilizar en él los ingenuos grabados o dibujos, (que empleando lápices y papel (de los que usan ustedes), he realizado personalmente) para representar los conceptos adimensionales, tales como BUAWWAA O BUAWEE BIAEI (ALMA Y ESPÍRITU COLECTIVO) con grafismos tales como un círculo o una difusa nubecilla. We hesitated but whether it would be inconvenient to use in the naive prints and drawings, (which using pencils and paper (of which you use), I have done personally) to represent the dimensionless concepts such as BUAWWAA O BUAWEE BIAEI (ALMA AND COLLECTIVE SPIRIT) with graphics such as a circle or a fuzzy little cloud. Esto desde el punto de vista Pedagógico es erróneo y Didácticamente esta prohibido en UMMO pues los niños corren el peligro de asociar mentalmente, los conceptos Espirituales, con Formas Dimensionales y con el concepto de Tiempo. This from a pedagogical point of view is wrong and is forbidden in Ummo Didactically because children are at risk of mental association, the spiritual concepts, dimensional shapes and the concept of Time. Pero ustedes son por una parte adultos, y por otra están habituados a sistemas de enseñaza que aunque aberrados, sería ya inútil modificar. But you are on the one hand adults, and other systems are used to teaching that even abhorrent, would be useless to change.
Mi superior en España me dio instrucciones concretas sobre cómo esbozarles estas imágenes y explicaciones, y deseo pues que sean inteligibles para ustedes. My boss in Spain gave me specific instructions on how to sketch these images and explanations, and I want it to be intelligible to you. En algunos casos he creído conveniente describir procesos o explicar conceptos de tipo fisiológico que aunque conocidos de sobra por los actuales especialistas en FISIOLOGÍA HISTOLOGÍA y PSIQUIATRÍA terrestres, suponemos que algunos de ustedes ignoran. In some cases I have seen fit to describe or explain processes of physiological concepts that although known by the current surplus specialists HISTOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY PSYCHIATRY land and assume that some of you ignorant.
No es preciso reiterarles que en realidad tales procesos y mecanismos Psicológicos descritos, son mucho más complicados que el ingenuo boceto que les presentamos, pero pese a todo confiamos que les sirva para explicarse en parte, el Enigma del Encendedor de bolsillo y la piedrecita que les simbolizábamos en un símil. There is no need to reiterate that in reality such processes and psychological mechanisms described are much more complicated than the naive sketch we present, but nevertheless we are confident they can use to explain in part the Riddle of lighters and stone them simbolizábamos in a simile. Para que aprecien por tanto las posibilidades que restan de colocar tal piedrecita en su lugar, y aunque les advertimos de antemano que la tarea de corregir a la Humanidad es ciclópea e inaccesible para ustedes, (a pesar de estas revelaciones) al menos juzgamos que pueden servirles a ustedes para además de incrementar su cultura, corregir en parte sus mismas estructuras personales. Therefore to appreciate the possibilities of placing such a stone remaining in place, and although we warn you in advance that the task of correcting a Herculean Humanity is inaccessible to you, (despite these revelations) at least they can judge to serve you well as increasing their culture, partly to correct his own personal structures.
Veamos en un primer esquema elemental como están interconexionados los cuatro factores integrantes de la personalidad de dos seres humanos: Let us first outline a basic as the four factors are interconnected members of the personalities of two human beings
Un OEMII (CUERPO) A OEMII (BODY) Correspondiente al Hombre nº 1 Desea establecer comunicación telepática con el OEMII IEN (CUERPO HUMANO “2”) Corresponding Man No 1 wishes to establish telepathic communication with the OEMII IEN (HUMAN BODY "2")
Analicemos superficialmente el proceso: Consider the surface the process:
Tratándose de un acto consciente (El hombre 1 QUIERE comunicar con Being a conscious act (Man 1 I want to communicate with (CUERPO 2º) Es BUAWAA lAS (ALMA 1ª) quien ejecuta ese acto volitivo. (BODY 2nd) is BUAWAA lAS (ALMA 1st) who executes the act of volition. BUAWAAIAS está representada por un óvalo verdoso BUAWAAIAS is represented by a green oval
Un átomo de Kriptón UAXOO lAS An atom of krypton UAXOO lAS
(RECEPTOR Nº 1) representado por una esferita amarilla, capta la orden del Alma y la transmite a través de unas vías nerviosas y ciertos órganos neurocorticales (Representados por un arco ROJO) al átomo EMISOR de KRIPTÓN (RECEIVING No. 1) represented by a small sphere yellow, captures the order of the Soul and transmitted through a nerve pathways and organs Neurocortical (Represented by a red arc) to the atom of krypton ISSUER
cuya única misión estriba en establecer un vínculo de unión entre el Hombre y el BUAWEE BIAEI (ALMA COLECTIVA) Representada con un Ovalo GRIS whose sole mission is to establish a bond between Man and BUAWEE BIAEI (COLLECTIVE SOUL) Represented by an oval GRAY
Observemos de paso que todo este proceso fisiológico, desde que el ALMA expresa su deseo, hasta que el mensaje llega hasta el Atomo Note in passing that this entire physiological process, since the ALMA hopes, until the message reaches the Atom , HA REQUERIDO un pequeño TIEMPO del orden de una MILÉSIMA de UIW por ejemplo. Has required a little time on the order of a thousandth of UIW for example. En efecto: La conducción del impulso Nervioso a través de las Neuronas no es ni mucho menos instantáneo, ya veces exige Tiempos mayores (Las fibras nerviosas no mielínicas conducen a velocidades de casi 55 ENMOO / UIW, unos 6 decímetros por segundo). Indeed: The conduction of nerve impulses through the neurons is not far from instantaneous, and sometimes requires longer times (not myelinated nerve fibers conduct at speeds of nearly 55 ENMOO / UIW, about 6 decimeters per second).
El alma colectiva, queda “informada” de este mensaje y lo trasmite instantáneamente al HOMBRE Nº 2 The collective soul, is "aware" of this message and instantly transmits it to the Man No. 2 que capta el mensaje por medio de un átomo RECEPTOR de KRIPTÓN (UAXAOO IEN) that gets the message by RECEIVER an atom of krypton (UAXAOO IEN)
Ahora el proceso es inverso. Now the process is reversed. Los impulsos nerviosos en este 2º Cuerpo, tardarán tal vez 2 milésimas de UIW en el interior de su cerebro hasta llegar al Atomo Nerve impulses in this 2nd Corps, will take perhaps 2 thousandths of UIW inside his brain to reach the Atom AAXOO IEN (EMISOR “2º”) que informa a la Consciencia AAXOO IEN (ISSUER "2nd") that informs Consciousness
Vean ustedes la engañosa apariencia que puede inducir a error cuando un Científico no realiza un cuidadoso análisis exhaustivo del fenómeno. You see the misleading appearance that can be misleading when a scientist does not make a careful comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon. El Tiempo TOTAL que tardó el mensaje Telepático desde la CONSCIENCIA del Hombre Nº 1 a la CONSCIENCIA del Nº 2 fue de dos milésimas (en nuestro Ejemplo) Un investigador poco perspicaz, puede entonces creer, que si los mensajes telepáticos tardan cierto tiempo, ello es debido quizá a que se propagan a la velocidad de la luz por medio de ondas electromagnéticas, cuando la realidad es que el único tiempo invertido, lo arrojó la conducción nerviosa en el seno de nuestros encéfalos. The total time it took for the telepathic message from man's consciousness No. 1 to the CONSCIOUSNESS of No. 2 was two-thousandths (in our example) a short-sighted researcher can then believe that if the telepathic messages takes some time, it is perhaps because they propagate at the speed of light through electromagnetic waves, when the reality is that the only time spent, threw nerve conduction in the heart of our brains.
Un símil lo encontrarán ustedes en su servicio de Telégrafos. A simile will find you in your service Telegraphs. La comunicación eléctrica en sí, es casi instantánea entre dos ciudades más el tiempo invertido por los mensajeros en cursar y entregar en mano el telegrama requiere unas pocas horas. The electrical communication itself is almost instantaneous between two cities by the time invested in studying and messengers to hand deliver the telegram requires a few hours.
El esquema que les hemos esbozado puede invitarles a extraer algunas conclusiones jugosas, sin casi necesitar un estudio más profundo. The scheme we have outlined can invite them to draw some conclusions juicy, with little need further study. En primer lugar les ilustra sobre el Por qué los científicos de UMMO han determinado que el Alma BUUAWAA y el ALMA COLECTIVA, son dos entes independientes. First of them illustrates why scientists have determined that Ummo BUUAWAA Alma and the collective soul are two separate entities. SI la transmisión Telepática requiere una vía de enlace en el hombre (VÍA NERVIOSA expresada con Arco ROJO) para pasar de un alma a otra, es que El Alma colectiva y el Alma individual son entes independientes, que solo están unidas por el vínculo del CUERPO HUMANO mientras este vive. SI Telepathic transmission requires a gateway in man (nerve pathway expressed with red arc) to go from one soul to another, is that the collective soul and individual soul are separate entities, which are only united by the bond of BODY HUMAN while it lives.
Imaginen, por un momento que no fuese así, y que según la nueva imagen que les dibujamos, el Alma individual fuese una “PARTICIPACIÓN O FRACCIÓN” del ALMA COLECTIVA (Aun salvando la aberración que supone considerar FRACCIONADO un ENTE que carece de DIMENSIONES) Observen entonces que la transmisión telepática se realizaría EXCLUSIVAMENTE en el SENO del BUAWEE BIAEI (ESPÍRITU COLECTIVO) (El tiempo TOTAL de la TRANSMISIÓN sería CERO puesto que no intervendría para nada el encéfalo del hombre. Más esto no es así como ya les hemos explicado. Imagine, for a moment that it could, and that under the new image they draw, the individual soul was a "PARTICIPATION fraction" of the collective soul (Even aberration saving considerable fraction representing an entity that is dimensionless) Notice telepathic transmission then that would be conducted exclusively within the BUAWEE BIAEI (COLLECTIVE SPIRIT) (Time TOTAL ZERO TRANSMISSION would not intervene because the brain at all man. But this is not how we have already explained.
337. ÍNTIMA NATURALEZA DEL ALMA COLECTIVA . 337. Intimate nature of the collective soul.
En un informe anterior, les exponíamos un símil para representar a la HUMANIDAD, sugiriéndoles que podría semejarse a un tarro de almíbar lleno de cerezas. In a previous report, we set out a simile to represent humanity, suggesting that they might resemble a jar full of cherry syrup. La pulpa de estas, TOTALMENTE SEPARADA del Jugo común, por la endeble cáscara, podía establecer contacto con otros frutos. The flesh of these, completely separate from the common juice for the frail shell, could make contact with other fruits. Pulpa y Cáscara simbolizarían ALMA y CUERPO Pulp and peel symbolize SOUL AND BODY
Pero tengan ustedes cuidado con las metáforas. But be careful with the metaphors you. No intenten sacar conclusiones a partir de ellas, pues su función es meramente pedagógica y resulta peligroso juzgar que constituyen en todos aspectos un fiel reflejo de la VERDAD. Do not try to draw conclusions from them, because their function is purely educational and it is dangerous to judge which are in all respects a true reflection of the TRUTH.
Al traducir nuestro vocablo BUUAWE BIAEI, empleamos las voces españolas ALMA COLECTIVA porque no encontramos otra mejor, pero esto puede inducir a error, si piensan ustedes que tal AAIODI (ENTE) es análoga el ALMA INDIVIDUAL. By translating our BUUAWE BIAEI word, we use the Spanish voices collective soul because we find something better, but this may be misleading, if you think that AAIODI (ENTE) is analogous the individual soul. Es peligrosísimo utilizar vocablos parecidos para expresar conceptos heterogéneos pues los hombres de la Tierra tienen ustedes tendencia a jugar más con las palabras que con los conceptos. It is dangerous to use words to express concepts like heterogeneous as men on Earth are you tend to play more with words than with concepts. (Así en muchos escolares españoles. Hemos observado que confunden lamentablemente KILOGRAMO PESO con KILOGRAMO MASA). (As in many Spanish schools. We note that unfortunately confused with KG WEIGHT KG MASA).
El (BUUAWE BIAEI) no genera libremente ideas, como el alma individual. The (BUUAWE BIAEI) does not generate ideas freely, as the individual soul. Tales ideas existen, sí, en Él desde su creación por WOA. These ideas exist, yes, in Him from its creation by WOA.
La naturaleza de estas ideas está restringida al concepto Universal de lo que ha de constituir una Sociedad Humana ideal. The nature of these ideas is restricted to the universal concept of what is to be an ideal Humane Society. Existen unas leyes Psicosociales establecidas para nuestro WAAM (COSMOS) por WOA (DIOS) y la depositaria de las ideas de tales leyes, que engloban las normas evolucionistas de la Sociedad humana, es precisamente BUUAWE BIAEI, que a su vez actúa como MEDIO o VÍNCULO adimensional entre los OEMII como el AIRE actúa entre ustedes como Medio elástico de transmisión acústica. There are some laws laid down for our WAAM Psychosocial (COSMOS) for WOA (God) and the repository of the ideas of such laws, which encompass evolutionary rules of human society, is precisely BUUAWE BIAEI, which in turn acts as MEDIUM or LINK dimensionless among OEMII as air acts between you and stockings acoustic transmission.
BUUAWE BIAEI no es pues responsable de sus funciones. BUUAWE BIAEI is not responsible for their duties. Carece de verdadera CONCIENCIA tal como la entendemos nosotros en el ALMA INDIVIDUAL, y no podrá ser sancionada par WOA en cuanto no puede transgredir unas leyes que cumple fielmente, diríamos mejor, FATALMENTE, It has no real consciousness as we understand it in the individual soul, and may be penalized as WOA couple can not violate laws that faithfully, we would say better, FATALLY,
Enunciar con el lenguaje Filosófico apropiado, la Naturaleza real de BUUAWE BIAEI resultaría tal vez enojoso para ciertas personas no preparadas. Formulating the appropriate philosophical language, the real nature of BUUAWE BIAEI may be annoying to some people unprepared. Haremos pues uso de sencillos símiles o imágenes We will therefore use of simple similes or images
Supongan ustedes que su grado de civilización en la Tierra ha llegado a tal nivel, que en París por ejemplo, se ha montado un gigantesco Computador (CEREBRO ELECTRÓNICO) que parecido a nuestra Red de XANMOO en UMMO sea capaz de almacenar millones de informes, referentes a la vida de cada uno de ustedes. Suppose that the degree of civilization on Earth has reached such a level, which in Paris for example, has mounted a giant Computer (electronic brain) that like our network in Ummo XANMOO is capable of storing millions of reports, which covered to life of every one of you.This superb machine will have received both instructions programmed by various specialists in sociology. His own calculation unit, combining these instructions sociometric mathematical laws, the reports received by you, and shall, at each moment, which should make all men on Earth, so that the Company successfully evolve.
In each of the households in the five continents, would have installed a microphone and a speaker, connected by respective cables to the central computer. Each of you, through the microphone bias report on which lead their lives. They could also use the microphone to also communicate with a relative who resides in another country.
Furthermore, the speaker will be repeating them continually and insistently, directed exclusively to you instructions on how to behave, what to eat, whom he voted, and when he has to travel (of course obey these instructions to a preconceived plan by the Electronic Brain , the universal level. It is true that you will always be free to ignore such mandates. But you can never disconnect the speaker and on the other hand, his lilting voice is so persuasive, tenacious, unconsciously you will end up ignoring many times their suggestions.
There you have it a gross image of our collective soul. It acts as a great coordinator of Humanity, previously programmed by God, so that without suppressing freedom of action guides our Social Behavior.
When an atom of krypton UAXOO (Receiver) for the OEMBUUAW, receives instructions BUUAWAA (ALMA) their volitional act necessarily performed, unless the nerve pathways are blocked by a drug, a pathogen, or some external obstacle.
In contrast, a Kr atom that binds us to the collective soul, you may receive other instructions (In fact our scientists have observed codified movements of its electrons, such a message from the BUUAWE BIAEI) without the body to react to nothing instructions.
There are pathological cases, mental diseases whose etiology is precisely that their behavior closely follows the imperatives of BUUAWEE BIAEI, being blocked nerve pathways that connect their cortical motor areas, with true conscience.
More usually happens the opposite. A tiny fraction of our behavior in daily life is influenced by the messages received by Collective Soul DIRECTLY.
Note that we DIRECTLY. Indeed: The instructions, although no motoric, ie the neural pathways but not to transform into muscle movements, are stored in the memory, in a range of BIEYAE YUEO DOO (BODIES OF MEMORY) for images difficult access to the field of consciousness (ie the subconscious).
It may be that you go to a store and choose from two or more hats, one of them, believe that choice is conscious, when in fact it is induced by hidden motivations that months ago she was given by Collective Soul.
An important feature of the collective soul, express it in a superficial manner as follows: Imagine that our computer Universelle, will collect data on the life of all citizens for twenty-four hours. This information is still insufficient. It can not be "digested" by the calculator can not deduct a universal statistical laws or rules usable until more time passes, many more weeks, and have more information. Nor can you if you have a factory to make such an assessment if their employees have accounts all data collected quite useful. This informational wildly in the units accumulated "memory" Computer, could leach out and be radiated through the speakers, prompting citizens to inadvertent error.
Something similar occurs in the collective soul. Not all instructions or messages received from it are perfectly logical and pure as those ideas generated by WOA. By contrast, most come from this heritage (though ill-digested) of thousands of human behavior in the time we lived. Only society of our ancestors, which contains all the data, may reflect a precise and elaborate rules of conduct.
(It may resemble a historian who speaks to you when the empire of Alexander the Great, refers to this period in all objectivity and scientific integrity, while the chat around the Spanish Civil War of 36-39 years is passionate, distorting the truth).
We'll put a real example: You all may have known or have lived, a moment of terror or panic, when in the course of the tragic fire in a cinema or a bombing, the masses are driven by a standard rule that compels them to engage in actions that are identical for all components of the group.
At the moment, is the only activator BUUAWEE BIAEI their behaviors. Barring exceptional circumstances, conscious and responsible behavior is blocked, yet the actual behavior is wild and aberrant. Here: The collective soul is teaching only messages which have as a "substrate" logical conservation law governing pear biological beings.
Other times, the collective soul channeled imperative messages, ideas volitional component of a group. In fact when any of us want something (a car, control over certain person, etc. Physical Fitness.) Such desires are - encoded and irradiated through the elements of DIUUYA AAXOO (KRYPTON ISSUER) to BUAWEE BIAEI, with different intensities, all components of the Company will receive (If the emitted intensity reaches a certain threshold) these messages, but of course 100% of the brain block such messages and those not accessing the consciousness of other men.
But under certain conditions to be explained later, one or more people, have conditioned their structure so neurocerebral at that moment, they can receive that message. According to the manner in which such information is encrypted channel, ie: It is directly east to the Field of Consciousness of another individual, or conversely be deflected by afferent neural pathways that activate motor cortical areas, we will discuss Telepathic Transmission, or suggestion by HYPNOSIS respectively.
337. Telepathic communication.
Some of you have no clear ideas about our media.
The UUGEE and UUYIE (Adolescent males and females) Ummo lose around 15 years (Earth) life, the power to express acoustically by atrophy and sclerosis of the speech organs in a percentage in relation to the total population was assessed recently in a 92.36%, the rest of the people affected are not atrophy in the adult period, so that by the 75 Earth years old, is the rare individual who can still speak phonetically.
But this is not absolute sclerosis. The innervated muscles can still be faintly, and vibration achieved, although they are so weak that our ears could not hear, can be amplified by two means. One of them obsolete, consisted of a microphone amplifier that applied to the throat. Currently housed in the same larynx, a transducer on the size of a lentil, (is introduced by a simple surgical operation two years old) This small-emitter amplifier thumbnail weak field does not radiate any radioelectromagnético. Modula just a small magnetic field intensity. A second speaker amplifier provided (Our speakers are not vibrating membrane) and the size and format similar to an eraser, a small, emits sounds received with extraordinary intensity and fidelity.
The response from our nuclear amplifiers is perfectly flat. If sound quality is poor, it is because our body phonation, is not capable of generating only a very narrow frequency range. The bass and many high harmonics are not emitted, so the timbre is much lower than the ground you.
For a long time, therefore, in our social relations we express (though artificially) with spoken language. Passed since thousands of years ago Ummo the days when parents had to communicate with their children through coded eyelid movements.
Our telepathic communication is not in principle to "see" what happens in another city, simply by closing his eyes. This idea is childish. Or that at one point we read the thoughts of one of our brothers located a thousand KOOAE. Such stereotypes have only a weak basis in reality.
With few exceptions do not use telepathy only with people located at great distances. This has a simple explanation: The transmission is laborious and requires some mental effort.
The process for communicating with people they know and whose identity is far from the area where I am, goes like this:
In principle I reach a conscious level too low to external stimuli (light, sounds, smells, etc.). Sensations subliminally be verified. We wish to express by this that it is necessary to achieve artificial cataleptic state, using the route autosuggestive.
The habit continued this practice, as favored by itself genetically for many generations being done in Ummo, let this self-hypnosis and the process that follows takes place very rapidly, regulated by a reflex mechanism, the interval of time required to perform, so that after completing this, the subject could again reach the state of consciousness to external environmental stimuli, as usual.
But it should be noted that this special cataleptic state, is only a temporary blockage of the afferent pathways connecting the cerebral cortex, with the external sense organs and proprioceptors. By this I mean that, contrary to what happens in the state WOIWOI (ONÍRICO or sleep) or in certain situations WOIWOI EEAEE. (Hypnosis) the Eese OA (CONSCIOUSNESS) do not decline to low levels of the subconscious By contrast the higher mental processes (REASONING, THINKING ...) continue normally with the advantage that access memory images more clearly, the field of CONSCIOUSNESS.
There is now a physiological phenomenon which is very unusual to voluntarily check in men of the earth. (Before going further, it would, for the uninitiated would read the NOTE FIVE PHYSIOLOGY).
There are two bodies in the brain essential for telepathic transmission. In reality it is a neural network, double, whose connections with the field of memory and consciousness, are normally inhibited (neutralized). Only through a succession of synapses, the connection is established ISIAGEE IA (UNKNOWN authority referred by you) with accessible areas of the brain.
The provocation of these synapses is a problem of adaptation or even heredity. There is no reason for you to the land whose physiological cortical morphology is like ours, can not get to establish these connections or synapses. One example you have in those who manage to establish synaptic connection with the nerves that act on certain muscles of the pinna (ears) getting them to move.
The neurophysiological process is difficult to understand even for a specialist in cortical histology of the Earth. Then we will resort to similes:
Occurring in this brain area are two types of impulses: It is as if they were two stations. If any of you is a TV technician will understand better when compared with the signals for you called IMAGE and synchrony. The first carry, conveniently coded nerve impulses called by us BUUAWE BIEE, each of which lasts 0.0001385 seconds. They are a sort of telegraphic message that is sent through one of the krypton atoms called by us BUUAXUU (PSIESFERA).
The second group of signals, also encrypted, is characterized by the time of the pulses is greater (0.006385 seconds).
What is the function of the first signal emitted? Wearing just the verbal content of our message, our words to express the ideas that we wish to convey to our partner located a great distance perhaps of us. more this message is taken up by all men of Ummo (To repeat, the cases registered by telepathy you confirm that the phenomenon is identical to humans from Earth).
How is it then that only one person is able to interpret such a message, and is aware that he alone is it for? The second group of impulses gives us a satisfactory explanation.
The code used to identify a person not too different from you and we used to call them in real life. Just as the name UGAA 4 son mentally Iodize 347 is associated to a particular individual, a sequence of binary digits sent in the form of pulses serve to distinguish specifically the person receiving the message.
Imagine a million safes located throughout the country. Each of which can only be opened by a combination of six digits, and all the care and supervision of as many guards.
Within those coffers key exists in interpreting any coded message is received.
You now sends an encrypted letter that can only be read with the help of cryptographic keys, locked in boxes. Send a million copies all the gatekeepers, with a single indication in about 763,559 for example. Only one recipient whose figure of the opening mechanism of the ark, match that number, you can open it and learn of the contents of the message.
The example which we have raised is lucky as it's selection of a person is verified by a physiological mechanism similar to the safes of the earth (in Ummo no such cases) A neural network establishes connections or disconnections synoptic according to a binary digit sequence of pulses representing not six as in the example but around 1700 digits.
We told them telepathic transmission was oral. However consciously have come to convey visual images, olfactory and tactile that under normal circumstances are phenomena produced only in certain cases of mental disturbance or transient in pure cataleptic period. The experiences in this sense is rare among us, and we face them as you face the normal telepathic transmission. Not rule out that some galactic and extragalactic civilization unknown to us Psychophysiologic developments, has achieved this dream cherished by us, after which our UNNIEYO (neurologist) are active.
To end this report on the telepathic transmission indicate that the injuries were caused by necrosis of certain neuronal groups leads to the patient could not issue the correct number of pulses that selects the specific person to whom the message is intended. It is broadcast on the contrary a wide range of wild and chaotic signals that affect millions of people. It is as if in our example, the envelope was not a number but several hundred thousand. Would be many guards who could open their coffers to decrypt the content. Three procedures have been discovered so far to neutralize these patients at the dawn of our human caused conditions that made it impossible amazing evolution.
You wonder if the human group owns land that we call spiritual coordinator BUUAWE BIAEI.
Certainly we would be making at the moment it afirmásemos, the same mistake that you make almost daily to support their arguments with assertions. We do not have here on Earth, with research facilities available in Ummo. The original plan to take us to our planet mentality developed twelve individuals from land, was sanctioned with a flat refusal by the mediating UMMOAELEWE for this determination, not only for moral reasons but of another order that we can not reveal. We are therefore this small group advance to the Planet of you, as a castaway on an island in which to observe certain peculiar rocks of crystal structure, we could not even determine its level of radioactivity due to lack of Geiger counters.
Can not you get an idea of the secrecy with which we conduct our investigations and studies, blending in among you making us go in Spain by foreigners with fake passports, we pursue the myriad details that identify us as normal people on Earth. It is true that disappeared from the agonizing problems of the initial total ignorance of your language, and when they occasionally come to Earth reinforcements travelers are previously trained in our schools, with the possession of one or two languages at least (general English and Russian) But nonetheless, the lack of resources prevents us from doing certain studies especially within certain fields.
For example: In the field of Psychology, it costs us a huge task to select statistical samples needed for research. We can not rely on assessments made by official and private centers of statistics, since yielding a very low confidence rating. The worst thing is that the margins of error are high. The trouble is that not even known. So even using a mathematical technique such as statistical sampling, which we had buried more than two thousand years Ummo, get reliable results.
With this perspective that we expose them, will judge you when you talk about what we do in terms of if they are merely assumptions based on our own knowledge and experience but unable to support our trials, scientific demonstrations.
We judge because we do not believe there are serious incompatibilities between you to achieve normal telepathic transmissions. Private sources, we know that the Soviet Union is making experiences for future telepathic transmissions with manned spacecraft, which would prevent the enemy to intercept, and you're all known the practices carried out by the Pentagon, when put into operation Nuclear submarine Nautilus first.
The only studies made by us in Australia (1962) failed utterly in the attempt to establish telepathic communication with you. But so far we have not undertaken any program to prove you call extrasensory perception. We trust (with discretion) of parapsychological investigations of you.
We know absolutely the overall results of these studies and allow us to conclude that there is actually BUUAWEE BIAEI or collective soul among you. One might object that there may be several BUUAWE BIAEI associated with different racial groups. We do not believe this view plausible for the simple reason that we know that all human core of the Earth descended from a single branch ape. Morphological differences such as skin pigmentation etc. cranial structures., Are due to genetic disorders caused by mutations subsequently verified in the genitals of some men and women in remote terrestrial ages.
The Earth's atmosphere offers little protection to certain side effects of frequencies called by us IBOONEE (COSMIC RAYS) Thus the probability of generating new beings, new species, genetic mutation, is higher than in Ummo. This explains why our planet, the number of species in the field BAAYIODOUII (FAUNA-FLORA) is almost twenty percent lower than among you, and that our human group has not acknowledged the presence of real races.
What you ignore is that this protection also air was very low in the early stages of the Earth and what is more serious. Particularly in the Permian and the Pleistocene (Epoca latter of emergence of Homo sapiens on Earth, suffered the solar system you an intense cosmic radiation, coming from the center of our Galaxy. Also, our planet underwent intense radiation, as prove URIEWOO UYIEXAA traces in some rocks (mining cesium oxide) (This technique allows us to determine the density of cosmic radiation in earlier times is unknown to you).
Well, most likely, is that these mutations are precisely verify the chromosomal structures of humans coincided with this huge increase in activity radiocosmosa.
There is thus almost without a doubt a collective soul, and we dare to speculate that this is common to all of you. We know that such a claim to dislike certain racist mentality of fanaticism accused, but science can not be identified by a rabid prejudices, especially when they lack any logical argument. We believe that both Marxist dialectical materialism as the Roman Catholic Church, are right when applying the doctrine antiracist consequent on the premise that differences between races are only secondary land.
Could anyone argue that if humans can easily land-certain functions such as telepathic transmission is due to having undergone a process of atrophy their brain areas corresponding to these mechanisms already described, as men suffer Ummo sclerosis the speech organs. Humbly recognize that we have sufficient evidence to give a coherent answer. We think, however, that on the contrary, you have not bothered to develop this ability, creating nerve reflexes, or synapses that are necessary to verify the phenomenon.